H - Caden - H

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I DIDN'T FEEL like moving when I woke up. Horrible pain shot through my head, my back ached like I had fallen down a series of stairs over and over again.

I felt horrible, to sum it up.

My door opened, Thalia standing there in her morning greatness, dresssed in a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that was far too big on her. "Morning, sweet cheeks, how are you feeling?"

I opened my mouth to speak but she put a hand up, cutting me off. I watched as she sauntered over to my bedside, setting down a glass of water and handing me two pills, "Don't answer that, I want to guess."

I nodded painfully, downing the pills and refreshing water, "You feel like you got run over by an unforgiving truck driver ten times. In other words, you feel like shit."

I cracked a grin, lying back down on the comfy bed beneath me. A sigh slipping past my lips without me knowing until I felt her gaze on me.

She frowned, taking my hand in hers, my heart was smiling but my brain was still pounding with pain, "I'm not going to try to squeeze the information of how this how happened to you... but, how did this happen?"

I looked away from her, "I'd rather not talk."

Her frown deepened, she nodding understanding, "Okay then, I'll go get your breakfast and you sit here. Not like you can get somewhere without falling from back pain right now."

She laughed at her own joke while I just lied on the bed holding back a smile, "Go get my food."

She just laughed louder, standing up and rushing out.

While she was off getting my food I forced myself to sit up, painfully moving the pillows to make it comfortable. I looked out the window, far in the distance a group of kids were walking, bundled up in their autumn clothes.

That girl would never get to do that. She would never get to dress up and go out with her friends, she wouldn't live to see another day.

I shut my eyes, running my hands through my hair while I tried to get the picture of the bullet piercing her chest but the image only seemed to burned brighter. Staining my vision.

"Cade, something is not okay and I want to know so maybe I could help," she says, setting down a plate on my nightstand.

I shook my head.

She growled, her anger springing up, "Okay then, we'll just leave the issue there and cut all help off. Good choice, Cade. I'm going out to get some more pain killers since we seem to be out."

Then she was gone, our door slamming shut minutes later.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair again.

Damn you, Caden, just say something!

There is no way I could tell her what I do, helped the police out to catch criminals. Shooting them but not killing them was pretty pretty close to finishing the job, and I wasn't about to get my face plastered everywhere.

I forced myself to get shower after I swallowed up all the food she made. Changing into some civil clothes which included a regular white shirt and some black sweat pants. By the time I was sitting on the couch watching the news she'd shown up.

A sheepish smile on her face, "Sorry for getting mad, I was just frustrated."

I smiled back at her, combing my blond hair away from my eyes, "It's okay."

She glanced at the TV, "What's on now?"

I looked back at the screen, "The Villain strikes again, last night some business guy was murdered in his office along wih three security guards."

"Two nights in a row? It must be getting hectic for him or something," she said with a frown.

Her eyes flickered something unintentional.


"Last night, police were called to a house on the west side of the outskirts of Lorrel to a horror scene of fallen drug dealers. A reported fifteen were killed, including a twelve year old girl. All the fallen were marked with the haunting mark:


It has been concluded that each one worked for or were for The Villain. Please, keep watch of your surroundings and family and friends. Police advise you to keep children in after seven o'clock. Thank you for your attention, now onto today's weather..."

"Poor kids are going to get fat now since they can't be outside," Thalia said with a sigh.

I looked at her incredulously, that was all she got out of it?

But then again, Thaila never gave a flying fuck about anything.

I shook my head, the pain numbed down to almost nothing.

Hours passed, we sat on the couch, talking about anything and everything in our lives. We laughed about dumb things, at some point she fell off the couch from laughing hard, but she just sat there on the floor with her sweatpants.

She stared at me with a smile, I smiled back.

"So..." she said, still smiling.


"Want to watch a movie?"

"Why not?"

Halfway through the movie she set her head down on my lap, throwing a blanket over herself. Immediately my hand went to comb down her blonde hair. I looked down at her face, a ghost of a smile on her face as she slept. I smiled down at her as I made myself comfortable on the couch, watching the rest of the movie by myself.

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