Kozu's amulet

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The three shinobi's approached the entrance of the Fire Village's main hall. There was a long emerald table stretched across the hall and huge chandelier's hanging from the ceiling.

"Ah, im guessing Kakashi sent you?" said a man seated at the far end of the table.

Sakura took a few steps forward approaching the man. "Yes, are you Kozu?" she asked.

"I am Kozu." he said confidently standing up from his seat.

"Were here for the Shinzai amulet." Ino and Naruto said.

The tall figure draped in a green royal robe slowly approached the three young shinobi's "I will not just give away one of my most tresured jewel" he said "however I will offer you a deal, If you can beat 4 of my finest warriors, the Amulet is yours" He said with a smirk on his face.

Sakura and Ino thought this through for a few seconds. "Where are your warr.." "We accept it!" Naruto interrupted.

Ino looked at Naruto "Naruto are you sure about this?".

"Bring on your warriors, i'll finish them with ease" Naruto said confidently.

Kozu chuckled before he signaled four men with masks to stand before him. They were atleast a head taller than Naruto.

"Good luck, Shinobi" said Kozu sitting back down on his throne.

"good luck my ass" Sakura said under her breath.

"You ready guys?" Ino asked Naruto and Sakura standing beside her.

"Hell yeah!" Sakura replied raising her fist. Naruto nodded focusing on the middle, he was slightly taller and buffer than the rest. He also had two shiny silver horns attacked to his mask.

The three shinobi's charged at the warriors and the warriors charged back at them.

Naruto charged for the one he had been focusing on, Ino and Sakura took on the other 3.

Naruto charged his fist ready to strike, He enemy "leader" charging towards Naruto slid on his kness and bent his head backwardd dodging under Narutos punch. Naruto charged again with a kunai and collided with the leader's damascus sword.

Naruto threw out a series of punches but the leader dodged all of them with sweeping movements.

Meanwhile Ino and Sakura were handling the ninjas with ease. Sakura already took out one of them with a massive punch. And Ino was just playing with one of them with her mind control tricks.

Naruto was still bashing it out with the leader in the middle of the battle.
Naruto knew the leader was much tougher than him and could endure more.

"Everything has a weakness, no matter how strong." Naruto remembered the words of his teacher, Jiraiya.

The leader got impatient and threw out vital punches. Naruto raised his hands blocking them, he analysed the leader and found out that everytime he punched he would reveal a scar on his shoulder.

Naruto used this to his advantage. After a few punches, the leader made a mistake and lost his footing. Naruto caught his fist and jabbed a kunai into his shoulder and kicked his feet. He fell down screeching in pain.

Naruto focused on his comrades for a second, The leader immediately got back up and kicked Naruto in his stomach. Naruto wiped the blood off his mouth and began to charge the rasengan.

The leader tried to charge towards Naruto but he couldnt move his arms, he saw four other Naruto's holding on his arms and legs. The masked man easily shrugged the shadowclones off but when he focused on the real one Naruto was already too close to dodge.

Naruto used all of his force into the rasengan and hit it directly on the leaders stomach and immediately knocked him out. The three ninjas grouped up with four men on the ground behind them.

Kozu stood up from his chair clapping. He was seriously impressed with the skills of the young shinobi's. "Well a deal's a deal" he said and reached into his pocket and took out a necklace with a green coloured emerald attached to it.

He proudly handed it to Naruto with a smile on his face. "Well done"

A/N : Due to the update delay, I made this chapter way too long. Enjoy

- Seth

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