What is a mate?

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"Simon!" I yelled calling my Beta. It's time for us to plan on our statistic's with Derek's pack. We have to be prepared.  "Yes, Kal?" I heard him on my right side and I turned to face him. He looked scared and I hated it. He is the only one I didn't want to fear me. He was like a brother to me. "Call meeting with both pack's. We have to talk about our strategies and make plan of attack.Call warriors in pack." I said and he nodded his head and bowed to me. "And stop bowing your head to me. U are the only one I don't want to do that." I hissed and he looked me straight in the eyes. "Yes, Kal." He said and goes away. I started walking towards kitchen when someone's voice stopped me. 

"So. U aren't that heartless, huh?" Asked Derek and God knows how much power it took from me to not go right here in right this moment and not to kiss him. How much power it took from me to act heartless towards him but I knew this was right thing to do. "And why would u think that, huh?" I asked acting cold but I just wanted to go in my room and cry my heart out for being like this. My wolf was growling at me for disrespecting our mate but I didn't pay attention to her. 

"U just said to stop bowing to u to your Beta." He said and I smirked. Oh, I hated when they underestimate me when I show just one bit of my emotion. "Like u said, He is my Beta. I don't want him to fear me. He is like a brother to me." I said and he just stared at me and didn't said anything.  "That just proves my point." He said and looked at me with sympathetic smile on his face. I started to get angry. Really angry. 

"No. That just proves u are idiot." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "And why is that?" He asked while his eyes are starting to get black and in this moment I knew I pissed him off. "U are idiot if u think I have any emotion." I said with my poker face but inside. Oh my God. Inside I was in war with my emotions. I have never felt like this before so I didn't know how to call it but I was trying my best to act  like I didn't care. 

"U can't be that cold hearted. My mate can't be that cold." He yelled and it pissed me of. Who does this guy think he is to yell at me. "Then reject me. Make us both free and reject me." I said and looked him into the eyes. And I swear to God I could have seen pain in his eyes and in that moment I knew I did something that I shouldn't. I hurt my mate. 

"I wont reject u. Not now not ever." He said while I was walking away from him and coming inside my room. Soon as I entered my bedroom one single tear slide down my cheek. I whipped her and lay down in my bed. I looked at the celling and started to think about my parents. How disappointed they would be in me. I am disappointed. 

*****AFTER 2 HOURS*****

I was standing in front of the both pack's. Actually I was sitting. I looked over the room and I could bet that there were more then 500 werewolves and I was proud of my pack. My parent's would have been proud of them too. I knew that for sure.  Just when I was about to say something someone interrupted me. I turned my head to see who it was and can u imagine how shocked I was when I saw omega wanting to speak. "Say! What is it?" I asked and smirked knowing that this is not going to end well. "I think that it is time to change Alpha. We need male Alpha." He said and everyone looked shocked at him and I was full of rage in that moment. Here. That is why I hate Omega's. 

"And why is that? U aren't happy anymore?" I provoked and smiled when I saw anger in the wolf but I couldn't care less about him.  "It's not about happiness but about the girl that is leading us. We have too much enemies because of you." He stated and I started shacking from rage. I could hear my Beta mumbling 'Boy, u shouldn't say that'.... "I did what I did and I am not proud of things that I have done. But everything I have done was because of the pack. I did everything that I thought will be good for the pack. I protected this pack with my life. U wanna new Alpha? Then let's end with this shall we? Let's fight. If u win then I am giving u my title and I am going out of this pack but If I win then u will have to pay aftermath." I said and he agreed and everyone in room got worried not about me but about this stupid Omega. 

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