THE END!/ Everything is revealed!

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The white dust that Kali put around the devil, Darach, is named Heavenly Dust. The only thing that can keep demons and devils in one place. Darach wont be able to move until the dust circle is broken. They put him in their living room. He wasn't talking nor moving. He just kept staring at Kali who was standing in the background. Rayna, her daughter was walking around Darach. Asking questions. But he didn't even bother looking at her. Rayna threatened him saying that she will send him to hell but he knew better.

"You can't do anything to me. I am not afraid of you." He said and looked back at Kali while Rayna looked pissed off. In that moment Kali realized one thing. Her daughter is crazy. Kali was crazy too but Kali never thought that she was the most powerful in the world. While Rayna wanted to be that. She wanted everyone to fear her. Kali slowly walked towards Darach. Death written in her eyes.

"There is something interesting.Whenever I try to change. To be a better person, something happens that brings the dark side of me outside. Looks like I will have to fight fire with fire." She said and in next moment Darach looked her deep into the eyes. That was the biggest mistake of his. Because now, he was about tell them his biggest secrets.

"There are two persons in this world that Darach fears. Kerberg and me. So, now you will answer to my questions truthfully. " Kali said while looking into Darach eyes. He nodded his head.

"How did you do that?" Rayna asked confused. Her mother sure as hell was powerful but Rayna wanted to be stronger.

"My power came from hell. Which allows me to control anyone from hell." She answered to her daughter. Kali didn't want to bond too much with Rayna because that could be a cause to Destruction too.

"Now Darach. Why don't you tell me why are you here, again?" Kali asked and Darach tried to fight off the effect that Kali's powers had over him but he couldn't.

"I want to rule the world. I'm tired of looking at those mortals destroying everything." He said and Kali smirked.

"But you are forgetting that you are mortal too. I already killed you." Kali said and Darach growled while remembering how Kali brutally killed him but then he smiled.

"But you wont kill me. Because this time I am linked to something." He said and Kali frowned. To what can he be linked so they can't me killed?

"To what did you link yourself?" She asked and Darach hold his mouth closed as long as he could but Kali asked again and he couldn't fight it anymore.

"If you kill me you'll kill every magic in this world." He said and Jordan growled. Rayna looked at her father. He didn't talk much at all.

"Can I just kill him, Kali? Send him to Kerberg." He asked fury and hate filled his eyes. For the first time in his life, Jordan wanted to kill someone.

"Not now." Kali said and looked around and her eyes landed on Rayna. She took her arm and told her to say the words after her. Kali was doing a specially hard spell for what you need to people from the same blood line and Rayna was her daughter.

"O spiritus, audite me. Responsio ad voluntatem meam. Opus celeriter futura intueatur. Si necesse sit amet ut Salvatorem. Magicum amisit veram?" They said together and their eyes went black. Spirits were showing them if there is a way to save magic in the future. The pack heard demonic chanting of a witches so they came into the room to see what is happening. When they saw Darach trapped there and Kali and Rayna chanting together they understood what was going on. Suddenly Kali and Rayna were pulled apart. Breathing hard.

"There is a way to kill him. We can do it. " Kali said and went in front of Darach. Just when she was about to kill him Rayna stopped her.

"If you kill him, we will loose every magic in the world." She said and Kali looked at her disappointed in her child. She turned to her pack and saw that everyone was there. She took a deep breath and looked at Jordan who nodded his head at her.

"Darach is the threat." She said and everyone started whispering. She put her hands in the air saying her pack to listen to her.

"My daughter and I did a spell which led us into knowing how to kill him. The problem is that he is connected to supernatural. So, we have 2 options. 1. We can kill Darach and you can all loose your power. Every magic in world would be lost. You would become humans but you would have to stick together. And the 2. option is: We can leave Darach in order for you to have your wolves, but he would cause destruction. He would kill humans or werewolves. Anyone.
- If you loose your magic, someone would come 28 years from now on and the girl would bring you back the magic."
Kali said and she heard her pack whispering. It was their choice at what they will do. This time, the pack was the one who was deciding.

"We have to let him live. If we kill him we would loose everything." Rayna said and Kali growled. She was as nice to her daughter as she could be. But Rayna only cared about power.

"This is their decision. Not yours!" Kali yelled in her demonic voice making Rayna cover in fear. Kali looked at her pack only to see that in their eyes were tears. They missed Kali. Even the kids missed her. And they didn't know her. Kali was evil but she cared about her pack. She loved her pack and they loved her too.

"Kill him. It's better that way." She heard a woman say from the group of people and Kali felt proud to hear what her pack was saying.

"Once upon a time, you sacrificed yourself to save the world. Now, we will sacrifice our wolves to save the world." Kali's best warrior said and she smiled at them.

"You were all always brave, my family." She said and smiled at them. She looked at Jordan who nodded his head. Kali went to Elijah and stood in front of him.

"You are a good man." She said to him and Elijah smiled reassuringly at her while telling her to do what she needs to.

"I want to give you a gift from me. If you can call it a gift." She said and pointed at his head while asking for his permission to do what she was about to do. He just nodded his head and smiled at her. Kali went in his head and gave him what she saw in her vision from that spell. She saw his daughter being kidnapped at the age of 5 and then 23 years later she came back. She was the one who have to save the supernatural world. She was also the one who was more powerful than Kali. She was the one who truly wanted her mate. After she gave him that memory she looked at him only to see the man crying from happiness and sadness at the same time. Kali slowly went to her bravest warrior and gave him a gift too. He saw his son who is yet to be born. His son will be the mate of Elijah's daughter and he is the only one who will be able to stop her from making chaos. For the first time in his life. The warrior cried.

"The savior will come. But when she finally arrives. Please, don't think of her as a villain, because she is anything but that." Kali said and her pack nodded and bowed to her. Kali was practically dead and they still respected her. Kali moved to her daughter and gave her a demonic knife while telling her to stab Darach in the hearth with it. She had to use the compulsion on her, because Kali knew that Rayna wouldn't do it. She released the Darach but before he could run away Jordan caught him with his hell hound hands making sure that he can't move. Rayna hesitated but she couldn't resist the compulsion from her mother so she stabbed him. Darach screamed and then Kali put her hand in the air and fire started coming out of it. Darach was screaming in pure agony.

"O daemonum. Per manus autem vadam quo iturus es ignis. Tu autem ibis ad Kerberg. Pro praeteritis peccatis. Ite in infernum, et pati." She said and Darach dissapeared in the fire of hell. From the little fire left they could see Kerberg taking Darach with him while saying "Welcome to my world!" and started to make him suffer. She looked at her pack to see them look at each other weirdly. They were humans now. She heard Rayna cry as she felt her power dissapear.

"I'm sorry my child. I wish that you were the one I thought you were." Kali said as she smiled to her pack and dissapeared in the white light with Jordan but not before saying one more thing.

"Everything is revealed."

**The End**

I am planing on making the second book of IDWTBL. It would be about the girl that is supposed to bring them the supernatural back. AKA the daughter from Elijah and Rayna. I would give my best to write it better. I would make sure that my grammar is perfect before I would publish it. And I would write the scenes more slowly. This is my first book and I am still really connected with it. I don't think that I can let go of Kali that easily. Soo,


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