Mate. Death. Moon Goddess. Dark Magic.Vision.

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I was still in big shock after finding out that my sister is alive. I mean, I believed that she is dead and I didn't even look after her so when i found her when I was 13 years old what else could I do then bury her under the Nemeton.

But I never and I mean NEVER thought that it is going to bring her back. If I knew that is what is going to happen I would have done everything in my power to bring her back to life. It was 4 in the morning and I couldn't wait anymore. Outside was still dark. There is no sun on the sky.

The storm is coming. And it is coming for me. I jumped out of my bed and put some clothes on and went to the kitchen. I thought I wouldn't see anyone down there but when I went there I saw Simon. He was waiting for me. "What are u doing here?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I was waiting for u to come so we can go and rescue them." He said thrutfully and I smiled.

"U didn't sleep." I asked him and he shacked his head. "Me neither." I said and sigh. "So are we going?" I asked and he nodded his head. "I have one more question." He said and I looked at him with one eyebrow up. "Okay.Let's hear it." I said and waited for him to continue.

"How is that tree going to affect u? And don't say that it wont because I know it will. I remember the look on your face when u said that they are under the Nemeton." He said and I looked at him and started thinking about should I or should I not tell him the truth about me and Nemeton. "It's not gonna affect me." I said and he looked at me like as if he was asking me with his glare if I am going to lie to him.

"I'm your Beta, Kali. I deserve to know." He said and looked at me seriously. "It's not gonna affect me I promise. "I said and smiled at him to make sure that he believe me. "Okay. Then let's save them." He said and I smiled and said something in my lowest voice.

'One person.' But looks like he heard me saying something. "What did u say?" He asked while we were walking out of the house. "Nothing." I said and he looked at me before he asked. "U think I'm gonna believe that? U said something about one person." He said and my heart stops a beat.

"I was just singing something." I said hoping he will believe me. "No. U never sing any song." He said matter of factlly. "Just drop it Simon." I growled a bit and he stopped. We were walking through woods when I heard a big wind and Simon and I stopped.

I looked at the sky and my eyes turned black. I saw death, saving someone's life and two mates be paired. I snapped out of the trans and when I looked at the Simon he was waiting for me to speak. "I saw vision." I said and he tensed a bit. He knew it's not good.

"What did u saw in it?" He asked me and I started breathing deep while I saw again the same vision. "Long lost soul is going to loose her life. U will save someone's life and find the destined one. U will loose the strongest creature in the world. This night is night of death." I said while my eyes were back to their red color.

"U are gonna die, aren't u? That's why u didn't want to tell me how Nemeton effect u!" Simon yelled and I tensed a bit. He never yelled at me before. So, this means that he is pissed off. "We have to save them!" I yelled back and he looked shocked.

"I don't want my mate if that means that I'm gonna loose my Alpha. U are going to let the pack suffer." He yelled again and it pissed me off.

"U wanted your mate with any cost. So shut the hell up and continue walking. And don't worry about the pack. I made sure that u are going to have the Alpha u should have a long time ago." I growled at him in my Alpha tone and he winced a bit but we continued walking.

We weren't talking. All we have done was just walking,walking and walking. We didn't say any word anymore. It was 2 hours ago so Simon finally decided to speak.

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