M.Goddess. Jordan. Prophecy. Daughter. Heaven.

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I was now facing a very angry Moon Goddess. Huh, what should I expect after the way I talked to her and after my disrespect to her? Nothing! She was just walking around for few hours and I was starting to get annoyed by that.

Why is she doing this anyway? I know that I am going into hell for the sins I did. I wanted to go right now in hell so I can pay for every bad thing I did. I didn't want to be here. With HER. My parents and brother were still staying behind me and I wanted to hug them and talk to them but I knew that I don't have that chance.

I rolled my eyes and tried to move but couldn't. "WHAT DID U DO TO ME?" I yelled at her and everybody winced except for her. She was staying in her place looking at me with smile.

"U bitch! What did u do to me, huh? Why are u doing this anyway?" I asked pissed off and I felt my mom coming to my present. I raised my hand in the air and tried to make her stop but my magic didn't work on her.

"STOP!" I yelled not wanting my mom to come near me. No matter how much I miss her I still didn't want her near me. Not now when I am fighting M.Goddess. "I put a spell on u. U can't move nor can u do any kind of magic." She said and I growled at her in my very big Alpha tone.

"Look at this other way honey. We can nicely talk and I can think about letting u go in heaven or u can continue acting like this and never again see your family nor Jordan." She said and at the name of Jordan I calmed down. U can think I am selfish for caring for Jordan more then my own family but he is the only person I ever loved after my families death. "Talk!" I hissed and she smiled like she won this war.

"First I want to know why u killed so many innocent people in past?" She asked and I wanted to fucking hit her in the face or acting so stupid. "I did what I had to do to protect my pack." I said calmy and the way she looked at me I knew that I'm not gonna like next question.

"What about babys u killed?" She asked and everybody in the room tensed. I knew it. This bitch. I'm gonna kill her one day. "Kali, u killed babys? I am very dissapointed in u my child!" I heard my mom growl and I growled back at her.

"Not wanting to be rude, mom but shut the hell up. U don't know anything. Neither one of u do." I said and she looked taken back. I never before talked to her that way but let's say that life changed me. A lot. Life changes people and it is usually the worst way. "And what can possibly make u kill an innocent baby?" My mom hissed.

"Dark druid. Darach. And it was inside of me from the day I am born. U have no idea how much I suffered and what I have to do to kill him. The most dangerous thing to do is to kill a monster inside of u without killing yourself in the process." I said and she looked taken back.

That's what I though. I looked at M. Goddess who kinda looked sad because of me. "Tell us your story." She said and I shacked my head. NO way. I'm not gonna tell them anything. "Talk." Moon Goddess said and I don't know why but I couldn't stop the words go out of my mouth.

"I was 10 when my family is killed. I was destroyed and yet the pack choose me to be an Alpha. To protect them. They believed me. With years I became the most strongest Alpha. I had the most strongest pack in the whole wide world. I was ruthless. I killed everyone and anyone who passed the border of my pack. I was afraid that I'm gonna loose them too. My best friend is my Beta named Simon Santos. He tried to make me better person but he failed because I was still in pain of loss of my family. When I turned 20 I felt a big headache every day until one day I didn't find myself trapped inside of my body. I found myself in fight with my mind. I knew what that demon did in my body but I couldn't stop it. He had a way to make me weaker. I was 21 when I lost completely control over my body and next day I woke up in hell. I met hell hounds and became friend with them. I even fell in love with one of them. I was 25 when I felt tingles go up my arms and I woken up in my body not knowing how and confused as hell. Then I met him, my so called mate. I liked him I admit. But I didn't love him. I loved Jordan and I will aways love him. He was m first love and yet U killed HIM. I tried my best to save him but neither u nor spirits listened to me. He died in my arms. The only person I ever loved died in my arms. I killed person that killed my whole family and then I compelled my mate to go and live his life. I wanted him to live free. I didn't want him to wait for something he could never get. Then after 2 months I got vision in which was my sister and also mate of my Beta. We two go on a trip to rescue them and when I came there. There was Nemeton. The only tree where hybrids can be killed. I lost my powers, saved my sister. and saw my mate. He wanted to mark my sister in revenge for me rejecting him. She fought him and his people and killed them all. But before he died he sttabed me and here I am chatting with boring people." I said and I saw tears inside Moon Goddess's eyes just as in my parents's too.

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