The Demonic Alpha!

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Rayna and Elijah just finished talking. Elijah told her how he knew the new Alpha. He told her that he is not someone she could trust. She had to keep an eye on him. 2 months passed by and they weren't closer to finding out against who Rayna will have to fight. They still didn't find out who the villain is. It was pissing Rayna off and it was making worried everyone in the pack. She didn't know what to do anymore. They were running out of time. Rayna called the meeting with her pack. She had to tell them something important. She thought she found the solution for everything. She was nervous. For the first time in her life she didn't know what to do. She slowly went downstairs and went outside. She saw every wolf from her pack there. Even children. Even Elijah.
"You all know what threat we are facing. For the past two months I have been trying to find a solution. To stop the world from loosing magic but I found nothing." She said and everyone started whispering. None of her pack members respected her. They all thought that if Kali was here she would find a solution.
"So, I think that the best thing to do is to quit. Maybe if we give up they will leave us alone." She said and no one from her pack agreed to that. They never gave up before. Suddenly, the wind started. It was so big and strong that everyone shook in fear. None of them understood what was happening. Not even Rayna. It was until in front of them the white dust appeared. They couldn't see anything. She heard few gasps from her pack members and she struggled to see what the hell was going on. When the dust dissapierd she saw a woman. Dressed for a fight. She had black hair and bright red eyes. Only one person had the eyes of that color. Rayna looked at her but she didn't believe that it was her. Members of her pack bowed to the woman in front of her.
"Blood, killing, love, crawling, pain, hurt, crying is allowed. Quiting is not!" She yelled and even Rayna shook in fear. The woman started coming closer to her. Rayna did feel fear but she didn't want to show that. The woman stood beside her without sparing her a glance. She radiated with power.
"I see many new faces here. Well, for the members that don't know who I am. I am Kali Sinclair, The Demonic Alpha. And I came here to destroy the threat." She said and Rayna felt many feelings inside her build up. She felt happy for seeing her mother but angry, because she didn't even bother looking at her. Suddenly Simon tried to hug Kali and everyone waited for her reaction.
"Et non movere." The woman said without sparing a glance at Simon and in next moment he couldn't move. Simon looked at her confused but Kali turned to him with murderous glare.
"You failed me. You didn't raise my daughter the way I told you to. You didn't lead the pack the way I told you. You didn't do anything that I told you to. You have failed this pack." She said and Simon looked at her in fear. But the pack looked like they were used to this now.
"Kali, where is Jordan?" Eva asked her and the whole pack waited for her answer. She rolled her eyes and held right hand to her side and started chanting.
"Delere Omnes." She said and besides her was standing tall black dog with eyes red as fire. She continued saying other words and he changed into human. He stood besides Kali. Tall and proud. In front of Rayna were her parents and she didn't know what to do. How to react?
"I am allowed only one month to be here. We have to find our enemy. The demons that ran away from hell and we need to destroy them." She said and looked at the whole pack. She was looking for someone in the crowd but the person was no where to be found.
"Now. Who is gonna tell where is my daughter?" She asked and the people from the pack looked behind her. Kali took that as a clue and turned around. Rayna was confused. She didn't understand anything that was going on.
"Rayna." Kali said with an emotion on her face. She wanted to hug her daughter. She wanted to talk to her. But she knew she had no time for bonding.
"I- I don't understand what is going on." Rayna said and looked at Kali and Jordan who just wanted to hug his little girl. This was the first time he saw her. Rayna had mixed emotions. She felt too much things to be able to control herself. She looked at her hands only to see red light going out of them. She knew what is going on but she didn't know how to stop it. Elijah came to her and tried to hug her but Rayna pushed him of with her magic. She couldn't control herself.
"I-I'm sorry. I can't control this." She whispered and started shacking a bit. She was trying her best to control herself but she couldn't. Every member of her pack ran away in their houses and locked themselves there.
"No. Don't come near her. She could destroy you in a second. Every month she looses control and she goes on a killing rampage. " Eva said when Kali tried to take her hand. Kali backed away a little bit and tried to think of a solution to help her daughter. Rayna started to shine all red and her head started to hurt.
"She can't hurt me." Kali said and took her daughter's hand. Rayna tried to get away from her but she couldn't. Kali was the most powerful creature in the world. She knew the right was to help her daughter.
"Includet magicae . In tempore , incipit paulatim reserare ." Kali said and Rayna stopped glowing. Kali didn't take her powers away. She just locked the amount of power that she couldn't survive away from her. Kali was a bit dissapointed tho. If she had to do this to her daughter that only meant that Rayna isn't the one who can save the magic. Someone else is. Rayna was gaining back control over her body. Kali sniffed the air then and turned to Jordan. He sniffed it too and his eyes went wide. She turned around and saw the new Alpha and their pack. In a second, Kali was in front of the Damon.
"Well, well. Long time no see, Darach. " She said and Damon smiled evilly. Kali recognized him but she also remembered that she sent him to hell which means that he ran away.
"I see you ran away. AGAIN!" She yelled and he smirked.
"Let's say that your hell hounds aren't that strong. "He said and this time Kali smirked.
"Oooh, but I didn't send you to the worst of them. What about Kerbeg?" She asked and he shook in fear.
"Who is Kerberg?" Rayna asked.
"My brother. The most powerful hell hound. His powers are 10 times stronger than the rest of the hellhounds's. No one can ran away from him. He is the only one who has 0% mercy. And Darach will later on pay him a visit. But now. It's for answers." Jordan said and in a flick of Kali's wrist the white heaven dust surrounded the demon.

**Here it is. I brought Kali back.**

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