Hell Hound. Devil. Fire.

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I woke up too tired. I stand up from my bed and looked myself into the mirror. My hair was in mess. My face was full of some paint. The wall behind me was all in paint. My bed was in mess, my closet, my toilet, my clothes. My room was in big mess and then I remembered last night. My demon let me see his thoughts. She couldn't go out of my room so she destroyed it. She was pissed of. My spell worked very well. I then remembered what I have to do today.

Today I have to kill it. I have to kill that thing that is inside of me because I can't live like this anymore. I mind linked Simon and told him to bring Derek with him. I cleaned my room and my face and hair. I wear proper clothes and sit on the bed waiting for them to come in. Just when I was about to mind link Simon again he came into the room with Derek. "Why did you call us and why aren't you on the breakfast?" Simon asked and I looked at him side ways.

"I called you two because I can't go out of this room until the devil is inside of me and because I need your help." I said and looked at their confused faces. "But you said that there is no demon inside of you anymore. " Simon said and looked at me carefully. "I killed it just on some time and it just happened to be really strong demon inside of me so it came back very quickly." I said and looked at Derek. I new that I am hurting him for being cold to him but that is the only way to save him. "So I need some things to kill it." I said and Simon nodded his head.

"Okay.Just tell me what you need?" He said and I looked at him with glare that he regonised. "No." He said and started shacking his head. "Yes.I need it and second thing I need have Derek." I said and they both tensed. "NO.Kali, I'm not gonna bring it here. You are not going to use it for that." Simon half yelled at me and it pissed me of. I put my right hand high in the air and made him not move. "Do it." I said and he just nodded and go out of the room.I then turned to my mate. Took a deep breath and take bowl in my left hand and in right little knife. He looked scared I knew that.

"I'm not gonna kill you. I just need a few drops of your blood. My mate." I said and looked at him without any emotion. I can't let myself fall for him while I am not me. "How is this going to effect you?" He asked. I just looked at him. "You are going to find out with Simon." I said and asked him again for his blood and he gave me. I knew he will. Then I started picking from under my bed other things I will need. And just in time Simon came into the room. He gave me that big bowl and I almost started crying.

"So what are these things?" Simon asked and Derek nodded his head giving me signal that he wants to know as well. "Mistletoe."I said pointing to the white like show ashes. "Wolfs bane." I said pointing to the blue flower. "Oak stake." I said pointing to the stake. "Blood of a mate." I said and looked at Derek. "Poison of the snake." I said pointing at the most strongest poison for a werewolf. "And at the end...." I said pointing to the bowl that Simon brought me.

"Ashes of my parents. The strongest Alpha's." I said and took a deep breath. "Now bring that girl that came with you."I said looking at Derek. "Why?" He asked and I smirked. "Just do it." I said and he looked hesitant but at the end he did call her. "Simon, she is your mate?" I asked and he nodded but didn't look like he cared. "Rejected mate. After I heard what she did to you I rejected her. I don't want her." He said and I nodded my head and then in that moment she came through the door with her slutty smirk.

"What's your name?" I asked her and she smiled. "Ashley." She answered. I smirked and started with questions. "Do you remember me Ashley?" I asked and she looked like she is trying but couldn't remember. "Should I?" She asked and Simon started breathing hard. He wanted to kill her and Derek looked like he doesn't understand that at all. "Ever heard about Kali Sinclair. Sister of Eva Sinclair?" I asked and her face dropped. "No it can't be." She said and I smiled. "Why not? You people killed my parents but you didn't kill me and Eva." I said and she started looking carefully around herself. "Where is she?" She asked and I smirked. "Gone.Done.Dead." I answered casually.

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