Chapter Nine.

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Before I start. I just wanna say, you guys are really the best. 😭😂 Harassing me for an update and shiiiitt. Your comments had me crying. 😂 I wasn't doing it on purpose , but I've been caught up in stuff lately . But I FINALLLLYYY HAVE AN UPDATE READDYYYY FOOOR YOUUU ❗️ Let's continue this Breezy adventure together. 😩✊🏾 Love you all a bunch. 😋 Enjoy the update. 🙊 (P.S. If you forgot what's going on, *like I did, lmfaoo* - feel free to go back and reread , I want you guys to fully understand what is transpiring. ) ❤️ Muahhh ! 😘


// Aubrey POV: \\

Three days.

Three days have gone by, and Chris and I have yet to exchange a random visit, a call, or even a lousy text. I mean, as loving as Chris can be.. He can also be a stubborn jerkwad. If you don't put your pride aside and reach out to him, you best believe Chris won't do it either. And he's always been like that, so I can't get mad at him and act like he just started doing it. It's in his nature. It's how he is. I can't change that.

But what has changed in the last three days? My feelings. I have truly come to a solid conclusion that no one has ever made me feel the way Chris does. I mean I've had deep crushes previously, to the point where I was giddy 24/7, I constantly thought about that person, and always wanted to be around them- but it has never been as sincere or intimate as this one. As stated previously, Chris is like my big brother.. And he always will be.. But I feel like ever since that day, I looked at him differently.  Now I'm not saying I'm head over heels in love with the man, but I guess I just never noticed who was here for me all along. I never took advantage of every kiss on the cheek, every dazed stared down, or every time we finished each others sentence. But now that a whole 72 hours has elapsed, I'm starting to miss the little things he used to do that put an automatic smile on my face.

In all honesty, I feel lost. Like a piece of me is missing. Chris has indisputably become apart of me. He's my motivation, my rock, and my heart.  I just wish I could take back what I said, and maybe formed the words a little better.

I miss my Chrissy and I want him back.

// Chris POV: \\

It's been a long three days.

I don't think I fully realized how annoying Kae is until now. She's clingy, she's whiny, and let's not even talk about how much nagging she does in a day. Let alone - one hour. I really just want to throw myself in front of a train 99.9999% percent of the time I'm with her. And as for that tiny ass one percent, I daily try to force this insignificant amount of "love" I have for her.

As for Aubs.. I really miss my little homie man, but fuck that I am not about to call or text her. But.. I'm finally going to admit that I am officially hurt by the situation. I know y'all are thinking- "But, Big Daddy Chris, you're supposed to be all strong and sexy- with yo' fine self." - and I thank y'all for those compliments, but hey- as much as we like to bury it, men have feelings too.. We can be hurt just as much as you females, but it depends on who you're dealing with. I'm sure theres a few guys out there that'd run their asses back to her, but me? Man, I'm chillin'.

Who am I kidding?.. I'm frontin'.

I miss my rock.

My tiny A.

My best friend.

But, I guess she won't ever know it, 'cause I'm still not texting her! Oh well.

Back to reality, I picked back up my paint brush as I continued to design my Jordans. This technique ain't easy to master, nor is it something you can whip up in 15 minutes. This takes time and patience. I lack the patience part on a regular day, except when it comes to art. As my song "Boing" (on my mixtape) blasted from the speakers in my basement, I was startled by a sudden vibration coming from my back pocket. I pulled out my phone, and sure enough it was her.

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