Chapter Five.

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*Aubrey in MM! Comment on this chapter please . & Follow me 💕


//Chris POV:\\

"So how was it?" I asked, smirking mentally. I knew her date probably didn't go that well because if it did, she would've bursted into my house beaming about what went down. 

"Terrible." she groaned. "Well, not terrible. Just.. nothing extraordinary. His actions are so predictable and basic, you know? But he's sweet nonetheless." She said laying her head on my lap, looking up at me with her hands behind her head. 

I was honestly cracking up on the inside. Not to be rude or anything, but I'm kinda glad it didn't turn out so well, but at the same time I feel bad because she's never been that lucky when it came to relationships. 

"How did it end?" I asked pretending to show the tiniest bit of concern. Don't get me wrong though, I do want to know how it really did end. I hope nothing too serious.

"Ehhh." She said, as she started to play with my curls, looking up at the ceiling. "We kissed a little, but it was becoming repetitive so I just took that as a sign to leave."

I nodded.

"I guess I just expected more from him. He's a gentleman and all, don't get me wrong but he's just so.. Virgin-y." She said, chuckling. 

"I swear, every time I touched him, you would've thought that the man just saw Jesus. His heart would race, his hands get sweaty, and- *sigh* he's just a nervous wreck." 

She definitely didn't need to tell me that for me to figure that out. You could tell he's really soft and gentle. I wouldn't be surprised if ole' dude is gay.

"Bummer." I responded.

"Oh please, Christopher, stop acting like you care." She giggled.

"Whaaat? I do!" I said, throwing up my hands in defense as I started to laugh along with her.

"You think I didn't see how you were acting towards him? I was there when you were about to shut the door in his face. I wasn't born last night, Chris." She said as she sat up, turning herself around and throwing her legs over my lap. 

Damn, I didn't think she saw all that.

She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing up her breasts and of course I couldn't help but stare. All I could think of was- My bestfriend is stacking racckss. Trying not to make it obvious, I kept glancing at her breasts and her face. My mind could not focus. My attention was just drawn elsewhere. And it wasn't her face.

I bit my lip slightly, trying not to make that noticeable either and then I finally responded- "Come on Aubs. I'm just trying to look after you." 

"I know. I know.." She said, rolling her eyes. 

I looked her in the eyes and kissed her cheek. 

"Let's go out tonight." 
"Where to?"
"A club. I haven't been out in a minute." 
"I'm with it." She said, shrugging her shoulders, as she uncrossed her arms. 

"Cool. You wanna go home and dressed, and I'll pick you up?" 
"Sure. What time should I be ready?" She asked standing up, so I stood up as well. 

I walked over to my kitchen counter and grabbed my phone to check the time.

"Well, it's 5:42 right now. So I'll come scoop you say.. 7:30-7:45 . 8 the latest.. Is that cool?"

She nodded her head as she started putting on her sweater and walked near my door to start putting on her shoes.

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