Chapter Eight.

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// Aubrey POV: \\

Last night, Chris and I just watched movies for the rest of the night. I rolled over, expecting to wake up an roll over onto a rock hard chest. I felt something soft and fluffy under my body when I rolled over. I opened my eyes, and saw my white pillow under me. I scoffed in disbelief.

Chris didn't leave, right?

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my hand over my face, and brushed some of my hair out of my face. I looked around my room, slightly confused. My bed was a wreck, but I could still smell his strong cologne on my sheets. He probably went downstairs or something.

"Chris?" I called out in my room, expecting him to walk out of the bathroom.


I made my way to the bathroom, and opened the door. I know Chris wasn't here because the toilet seat was down, and there's no remaining splashes of water on the side of the sink or the floor.

I sighed, and stood in front of the toilet, pulling down my clothes and sat on the toilet, to let go of my morning waterfall. When I finished up in the bathroom, I walked out and scanned my room quickly, one more time. I guess subconciously I was still searching for Chris. I made up my bed, stalling time, hoping he'd walk through my bedroom door. But he didn't. I walked out of my room, and headed down the stairs.

"Chris?" I called out. I walked into the kitchen, but he wasn't there. I didn't even bother to look anywhere else. I came to the final conclusion that he left. I tried to fight it, but he did. I mean, all because of a stupid kiss?

I walked back up the stairs and into my room. I walked to my dreser, grabbing my phone. I stood there, as I unlocked my phone. I checked my messages. Nothing. I checked my Kik. Nothing. I even checked my Instagram dm, and still saw nothing. I felt my heart sink.

I think he was still upset about what happened last night. But, Chris would've talked it out, or at least texted or called me if he was going to leave. This isn't like him.

//Chris POV:\\

I couldn't stay there. It would've been so uncomfortable on my part. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. But it just seemed so right in the moment, I didn't think she'd react like that.

But, I'm kind of heartbroken at the same time. She's my best friend, and she basically said that's all she thinks of me as. But, I'm not falling for her like that. Maybe I'm trippin'! I think it's just because we're extra close that it hurt more. Yeah, that's it. This ain't no lovey-dovey feeling type shit. I'll get over it soon. But until then, I think I should keep my distance.

After going home and freshening up, I hopped back in my car and drove to her house. I jogged up her front stairs, and rang her doorbell, waiting for her to answer. I actually stood there for a while. She finally opened her door, with a robe on and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked like she just rolled out of bed, but when she saw me - she definitely woke up.

"Hi baby!" Karrueche beamed.
"Wassup mama?" I said, pulling her into a hug, and holding her tight.
"Nothing! I missed you! Come in!" She said, pulling me in.

"You just woke up?" I asked, walking over to her couch.
"Yeah. I'm really tired."
"From what?" I asked, as I plopped myself down.
"Uhh. I don't know." She stammered.

I looked over at her table and saw a neatly rolled blunt, that looked like it'd been smoked, once or twice.

"I think I know.." I said, picking it up the joint, cautiously.
"Oops. Forgot to put that away." She giggled, innocently.
"You smoke, Kae?" I asked, putting it back down. "Since when?" I said, softly.
"Umm. A few months ago..?" She said, scratching her head.
'Why?" I asked sincerely.
"I don't know.. I tried it once at some party I went to, and after that I guess I.. Couldn't stop."
"I'm in a different state of mind when I do it, you know?" She said, finally looking up at me when she finished. She walked over to her couch, sitting down next to me and started again.

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