Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A breeze pulled at Aleta's long brown hair and she shivered slightly. "Why does London have to be so cold?" She complained, her Spanish accent emerging in her frustration. She tugged at the end of her coat and sighed.

"Because it wouldn't be London without the weather missy." The cab driver said, dropping her trunk. She smiled. "I guess so. Anyway, here you go." She payed the cab driver who said thank you before getting back in the cab and heading off.

Aleta sighed. "Trunk," she muttered. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

The trunk chose the hard way.

Aleta grunted and groaned to get it on a trolley. Then she groaned as she pushed it through what looked like three train loads of people. Then she groaned when she saw the large group in front of the ticket barrier, refusing to let her pass. She groaned some more as she struggled to lift the trunk onto the train. She groaned some more as it fell on her foot.

Finally, after twenty minutes of fighting her trunk, she found an empty compartment to settle in. She shoved the trunk under the seats and collapsed on the seat opposite.

Barely two minutes later the compartment door slid open and Iago came in, followed by three of his friends. "Hola Aleta." He said. "How's it going?"

She shrugged.

She didn't want to answer in English; didn't want her halting, stuttering words to be compared to Iago's cool, decisive tone; the way the words flowed off his tongue like water, in the way she spoke Spanish.

But then she saw it. In his honest smile, in his open eyes: admiration. The way her friends looked at the chocolate frog cards, filled with famous witches and wizards; the way the first years back at Magia looked at the fifth years, strutting down the hallways. The way she used to look at her mum.

"Well let me know if you need anything, I'm three compartments down."

"Okay," Aleta grinned. The boys filled out and Iago slid the door shut behind them.

Aleta reclined back into the cushiony seat. A few minutes later, she dozed off.


Aleta jumped, startled awake. Two things had happened. One, she had slipped off her seat. Two, a guy around her age was sprawled on the floor in front of her. He was awake, and slowly getting up.

"Are you okay?" He asked, standing up.

"Um...yes?" It came out as more of a question. The boy held out a hand to her. Aleta took it gingerly and he pulled her up.

The boy was taller, than her but not by much. He had black hair that stuck up all over the place and brown eyes that seemed to be plotting something. He was skinny, and had glasses that slide down his nose. He pushed them up. "I'm James!" He said. "And you are...?" He cocked his head, making him look like a very mischievous puppy.

"Wondering what on earth you're doing in this compartment." She snapped, stepping away from him.

"Looking for my cat, you haven't seen him have you?" He asked.

"No, what does he look like?" She asked.

"He's an orange tabby with green eyes. His name is Apollo."

"What are the odds?" Aleta laughed. "I have a cat named Artemis. She is under the seat."

James raised and eyebrow. "Really? Can I meet her?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure. Arty," she sang, kneeling onto the floor and peered under the seat. "Come on out, Arty-Tarty."

"Arty-Tarty?" James asked, kneeling besides her. Aleta blushed.

"It was my cousin's idea. He was two." James smirked.

Artemis, a sleek blue-grey cat with blue eyes, emerged from under the seat. She meowed loudly.

"You silly little girl." Aleta whispered, picking her up. There was a deeper, throatier meow from under the seat.

"Apollo!" James exclaimed. "You sly little dog." He bent over, reached under the seat and pulled out his cat by the scruff. Apollo was exactly as James had described him, but he was a young cat, at the most ten months.

"He's tiny." Aleta remarked, gently letting Artemis down. She meowed her agreement.

"He was a stray." James explained, cradling him. "I didn't want to leave him at home. My dad might forget to feed him."

"Aw, you're just a big sweetheart." Aleta cooed.

"Shut up." James mumbled, going red.

"I'm Aleta." She said, sticking out her hand.

"I'm Apollo." James said in a baby voice, lifting Apollo's paw. Aleta giggled and shook it. "Can I hold him?" She asked. James nodded and carefully handed her Apollo.

Aleta lifted Apollo and sat on a seat. James sat across from her and Artemis jumped up next to him. She bumped his hand with her head and he stroked her.

"Where are you from?" James asked, tilting his head again. "It's just that, I would remember someone like you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Aleta asked, pretending to be angry.

"I didn't mean it like that!" James exclaimed, backpedalling quickly.

"I was joking." She laughed. "I'm from Spain." She said. "I went to Magia."

James nodded. "What happened?"

"I got expelled." Aleta said, with a mischievous smile.

"You got expelled?" James asked, amazed.

"Yeah. And before that I went to Beauxbatons, for fourth year; and Ravina, which is in Latvia, for second and third year; and for for first year I went to Weralta, which is in Portugal."

James raised an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

"You really want to know?" Aleta asked, cheekily.

A/N: First story dance! *dances* I made the cover, but if anyone else can make me one I would really appreciate it! And if you have any criticism to give me, don't be afraid to leave it down in the comments. I really appreciate constructive criticism. Sorry for the fudgish ending, I really didn't know where to stop.

Kay thanks bye!

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