Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

James raised an eyebrow. Aleta was a closed figure and he interested. "Yes I do. Tell me." He crossed his legs and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

"Okay. First year: Weralta. It was a boring school. Almost the same thing happened everyday. All I did was get up, change, have breakfast, go to class, have lunch, go to the dorms, homework, bed, rinse, wash, repeat." She grinned. "It was enough to make anyone go mad. So I rebelled. Little things, stupid things that really shouldn't matter. I didn't put my tie on properly, scuffed my shoes on the hallway, that sort of stuff. Then on the last day of school I set off a whole bag of dungbombs, I forget why. My mum got a letter and I was shipped off to Ravina.

"Ravina was cooler, there wasn't a uniform and we had Wacky Wednesdays. It was fun." She smiled fondly. "But I wasn't 'challenged' enough there." She formed quotation marks with fingers around the word challenged. "So my mom changed my school. Again." She leaned back. "My mum sent me to Beauxbatons which was a nightmare. The teachers are so stuck up and the kids talk only in French. Then I found this gigantic stash of dungbombs and fireworks and 99 stink bugs. Two weeks later I got in trouble for launching fireworks in class and placing 100 stinkbugs under the charms teachers desk."

"A hundred? But you only found ninety-nine...." James frowned.

"I know, that's what I told them." She laughed. "So I said 'bye-bye' to Beauxbatons and went to Magia. I couldn't last two months without pranking. My mum's a bit pissed with me, my dad gave up ages ago, and I don't know why my uncle still hasn't gone nuts. The end." She spread her arms and leaned back.

"Well, I'll have you know that I am the chief prankster here at Hogwarts." James said, folding his arms.

"Really?" Aleta raised an eyebrow. "Well, can we partner up then? Because I have an excellent stash of muggle soda and mints and no idea of where to put them...." She trailed off.

"Maybe one prank." James grinned.

"They'll never know what hit them." Aleta smirked.


Two hours and a long planing session later, James and Aleta were leaning back and eating Pumpkin Pasties and exchanging Chocolate Frog cards.

"I really want to get Ginny Potter." Aleta was saying.

"You want to get my mum?" James choked.

"No!" Aleta exclaimed. "Oh my god, that sounded so wrong! I meant I wanted her card." James laughed.

The compartment door slid open. Two boys were standing there. One looked like James but slightly smaller and with green eyes. The other was lanky with flaming red hair and mischievous brown eyes.

"There you are James." The red head said. "We've been looking all over for you."

"You found me." James grinned. "Come on in." The two boys flopped into seats, the ginger sitting next to James and the other across from him.

"Guys, this is Aleta." James introduced. "Leta, this is Albus," he gestured to his look-alike. "And Fred." He waved a hand in the red head's direction.

"Who's she?" Fred asked teasingly. "You're new girlfriend?" Aleta choked on her pastry while James said calmly, "No, she's my new partner-in-crime."

"What about me?" Albus cried dramatically. "How could you replace me?"

"Al, I've told you before and I'll tell you again: we are in different years. That means if we plan a prank during Charms, there will be two of the same pranks at different times. And I don't think Flitwick appreciated having to clean up portable marshes twice on the same day."

"What gave it away?" Albus asked.

"I think it was the steam coming from his ears and the fact that both of you got detention for the rest of the month, resulting in a Howler from your mum." Fred said seriously. They all laughed.

"So, Aleta." Fred said, and she could tell he was turning his charm on.

"So, Freddy boy. How many girls do you think won't fall for your charm this year?" She asked, smirking. "I know I'm one."

"Burn!" Al and James chorused.

"Ah, oh well." He said, leaning back. "I'm sure there are other girls."

"Like who? The nurse?" James asked.

"I know you'll see her a lot, she'll have to take care of all these burns." Aleta smirked and Albus laughed.

"You guys are mean." Fred folded his arms and mock-pouted. The three of them laughed and eventually Fred joined in.


Time flew by, along with the scenery. The boys hardly stopped talking and Aleta found she clicked with them. It was nice, not having to worry if what she said would come back up later and be taken as an insult. And since she wasn't thinking about what she said, she also stopped thinking about how she said it, which meant: not more stuttering.

"So, which house do you think you'll be in?" Fred asked.

"W-what do you mean?" Aleta asked.

"Not all schools have houses Fred." Albus told him patiently.

"Really?" Fred said stupidly. James rolled his eyes. "There's four houses. Griffyndor"

"The best!" Interjected Fred.

"Ravenclaw," James continued.

"The nerds." Albus added.


"The loyal dudes." Fred pipped up.

"And Slytherin." James finished. "Will you every let me finish-"

"Nope!" Albus cut in. "Now stop talking while I'm interrupting you!"

A/n: Second chapter dance! Yeah buddy! Okay I'll stop. Um... If you liked this, pleeaase comment or vote. If you found something wrong or you want to ask me something, leave a comment down below and I'll answer them!

Kay thanks bye!

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