Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Two weeks in, Aleta made her first enemy. It wasn't that hard actually, but it was rather amusing. She was sitting in the common room, talking to one of her room mates, Libby.

Libby, or Elizabeth, was a spunky petite girl. She had a heart shaped face and wide, almond colored eyes. Her hair was wavy and fell to her shoulder blades. It was originally mousey brown, but she had dyed it a shade she called "tulip pink". According to James, a lot of guys liked her but were intimidated by her and found her hard to approach. They were talking about something unimportant, the latest muggle boy band.

"God, how can you even think about those losers?" A snide voice asked.

"You didn't think they were such losers when you were telling everyone how you got to meet them and they signed your poster." Aleta said calmly, turning to face Ivy Patterson. Ivy was the sort of person who gave a bad name to blonde people. She was mean, stuck up, rude and, to put it nicely, dumber than a flobberworm. How she got into Gryffindor was anyone's guess.

She tossed her hair. "That was ages ago." She said loftily.

"That was yesterday." Libby told her.

"Ugh, whatever. The point is, those guys are losers. I mean, almost as big as you are." She pointed to Aleta.

"Thanks," Aleta said, unconcerned. "But I don't think they're as big a loser as you." She said. Ivy made a weird noise halfway between an indignant snort and a dramatic gasp.

"What was that, your imitation of a pig?" Libby scoffed.

"She's already one, she doesn't need to imitate them." Aleta told Libby and turned her back to Ivy.

"You won't be saying that when I tell you the big news I have." Ivy said, obviously trying to pretend she knew something.

"Ivy your idea of 'big news' is that two plus two is four." Aleta turned back around. "So forgive me if I don't quake at the boots in awe." She turned back to Libby, muttering a few choice insults in Spanish under her breath.

"You're not on the kissed list!" Ivy declared triumphantly. Unfortunately, the common room at large decided it was an excellent time to go quiet. This obviously created a very awkward environment. Because obviously, the list of who kissed whom on a very large piece of parchment behind the mirror of the third floor girls bathroom demanded a big brouhaha.

"The what?" Aleta spun back around, confusion evident on her face. Libby cringed. The kissed list was an age old tradition dating back to perhaps the time Hogwarts first opened. Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on how you look at it), for Aleta, no one had gotten around to telling her about it.

"The kissed list." Ivy said smugly. "Don't tell me you've never heard about it."

"Okay, I won't." Said a still clueless Aleta. She ignored Libby's signals to stay quiet. There was a very long pause, in which Ivy seemed to have a bit of trouble comprehending that someone on their second day at Hogwarts, didn't know about the biggest thing in the history of biggest things.

"You don't know what the kissed list is?" Ivy shrieked. Aleta covered her ears. "Yeah, so?" Ivy gapped. "It's like the.....honestly it's the.....but how on earth..." She stammered.

"Look Ivy," Aleta said. "As astonishing as this may sound, I don't care about the kissed list." She put her hand up to her mouth and faked a gasp before walking away. Libby followed her, chortling.

This turned out to be a complete and utter lie. Rumors spread fast at Hogwarts, and soon the whole school seemed to know that the new kid from Spain didn't want to be on the capital 'L' list. Aleta soon felt that she'd rather kiss the caretaker's cat than have this go on any longer. It was maddening.

James and Aleta were running down the hallways, laughing. Their was an angry scream behind them and James cursed.

"I don't think Libby appreciated us changing her hair dye color." Aleta gasped between giggles.

"I don't think so either." James agreed. He turned around to see Libby coming behind them. He cursed again and they rounded a corner. They ran until they entered the courtyard.

"We'll never loose her." Aleta panted. James nodded. "We'll have to hide." They both glanced around, looking for a suitable place. They could hear Libby's yells now. Aleta spotted Ivy and her gang and it gave the sudden courage to do something stupid.

That something stupid was grabbing a very surprised James by the collar and kissing him.


A/N: So yeah. Guess it's not on hold. XD Dedicated to my real life friend who has been bugging me for all of eternity to update. SO I DID!

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