Chapter 3

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A/N: I know it's late and it's short. I'm sorry. The next one will be longer, I promise.

Chapter 3

"Gryffindor!" The hat cried and the table where James sat erupted in cheers. Aleta put down the Sorting Hat and walked with shaky legs to the table. James shifted to the side, making place for her.

"I knew you'd get into Gryffindor!" Fred exclaimed.

"I thought you might get into Ravenclaw." The boy next to Fred admitted.

He was of average hight, with tawny brown hair and warm brown eyes. He had an upturned nose and a small dusting of freckles. He was smiling shyly.

"This is Alec Abbot." Fred announced, slinging a arm around his shoulder. With his free hand he pointed to the girl on the other side of James. "That's Rose, our cousin." Rose waved. She had long wavy red hair, freckles and bright blue eyes hidden behind rectangular glasses.

"Next to her is my sister, Roxanne." Fred said. Roxanne leaned forward and grinned, showing off bright white teeth. She was tanned and athletic, with short brown hair. He slung his arm around the girl on the other side of him. "This is Molly, my other cousin. And next to her is Lucy, her sister." The two sisters looked a lot like each other. They both had shoulder length red hair and warm brown eyes. The only differences between the two was that Molly's hair was curly and Lucy was slightly taller.

"Are you two twins?" Aleta asked awkwardly.

Lucy laughed. "No," she smiled. "But we get that a lot. Molls is a year older." Molly nodded in agreement.

"Dominique is probably in a closet somewhere, same with Louis. Apart from those two, that's all the family at the Griffydor table." Fred concluded at the same time Professor McGonagal at the head table did.

"Oh!" Aleta exclaimed softly as the golden plates in front of them filled with food.

"House elves." James explained, piling his plate up with potatoes. "You should have seen Roxie's face on her first day." The whole group burst out laughing, even Roxie.


"The fish are in the barrel, I repeat 'The fish are in the barrel.'"

"Fred, you know we're right here." James said exasperatedly.

"Besides, you're only supposed to say that when the Mentos are inside the coke bottle." Aleta pipped up.

"Okay, okay, get off my back." Fred muttered.

"Ready?" Aleta asked. The plan was simple. The coke bottles were open and in between all four tables and they were going to levitate the mints towards them. The boys nodded. The trio lifted their wands and watched as the mints floated towards the bottles. No one noticed them except for Thomas who stood up and practically ran out of the hall.

"The fish are in the barrel." Fred said, quite unnecessarily as foamy coke sprayed upwards, raining down on the students. James, Aleta and Fred simultaneously burst out laughing. Alec frowned, in mock disapproval.

"Uh oh." Alec's eyes widened and he quickly scurried away. James looked up with a raised eyebrow but it was quickly evident what was wrong.

A furious and drenched Professor McGonagall was storming towards them. "Potter! Weasly! Magian!" She snapped.

"My, my. Aren't we in trouble." Aleta murmured.


"Welcome back to detention James and Fred. And for our new student, welcome to detention. I do hope I won't see you soon." Professor Vector, the Ancient Runes teacher, said, in a monotone voice.

"I wouldn't bet on it." Aleta muttered as she sank in a seat.

"That was brilliant." Fred chortled. James gave him a high five, laughing.

"The letter to your parents will be even better." Professor Vector called, sobering them up.

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