The Day After

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The photo is what Carson and Skylar are wearing

I woke up laying next to my gorgeous best friend. Her back was pressed against my chest and my arms were around her. I could feel her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. As she awoke she turned over to face me. Her blue eyes staring into my grey eyes.
"Good morning Skylar"
"Good morning Carson"
Right after her name escaped my lips she kissed me. I was shocked so I just stared at her.
"Aren't you going to kiss me back?"
I got up, straddled her waist and started making out with her.
"I love you Carson"
"I love you Skylar"
This was different from the times we've told each other that we love each other. It wasn't meant as normal best friends it was meant as lovers.
"I've loved you for so long I just didn't know if you felt the same way."
"Skylar I've always loved you, I just didn't know how to say it."
"So are we dating now?"
"Definitely Sky!"
We cuddled up against each other and kept making out.
"Yes my love?"
"We have to get ready"
"Ok, I got you something"
Carson held out a grey shirt, I took it and on the front it said my best friend.
"Aww thanks babe"
"Your welcome"
We got changed into our new shirts, and then put skinny jeans on with holes and some converse.
"You look hot Sky"
"You look even hotter Carson"
We giggled at each other and I ran to Audrey's room. I jumped on her and saw her green eyes pop open.
"Good morning mom!"
"No Sky, it's too early"
"We have school"
"It's ok, start making breakfast I'll get the girls up."
"Thanks baby girl"
"Your welcome"
I walked out of her room and headed to Braylee's room.
"Sky! Can you knock!?"
"Oops sorry"
I close the door as Braylee finishes getting dressed. Carson and I then head to Ashlyn's room.
"Ash it's time to wake up"
"5 more minutes Sky"
"Nope now, we're late getting ready again and mom's making breakfast."
"Ok I'll be down in a few"
I walk out of her room and down to the kitchen while holding Carson's hand.
Audrey saw us coming and got two plates ready.
"Sweet, pancakes! Thanks mom"
"You're welcome honey"
"Thanks Audrey"
"Your welcome Carson"
Carson and I start eating as Bray comes down with Zayden on her back. I finished eating as Bray was starting to eat. I saw that Zayden wasn't going to let her alone.
"Bray I'll take Zayden upstairs to get ready.
"Your welcome"
I pick Zayden up and take him to Bray's room. Carson picks out jeans and an American Eagle tank top out for him. I got him dressed and then spiked his hair into a mini mohawk. We still had to brush our teeth so I had them follow me.
"Brush your teeth while I brush Zayden's"
It was a struggle to keep Zayden still but I tried and I eventually got his teeth brushed.
"Babe take Zayden down to Braylee, I'll be down in a bit."
"Ok baby, I love you"
"I love you"
I started brushing my teeth and then remembered that Ashlyn wasn't down stairs. I finished brushing my teeth and went into her room. She was still in her pajamas and was curled up into a ball.
"Ash what's wrong? You're going to be late honey"
She looked at me with her grey eyes, they were full of sorrow and I noticed the dried up tears down her cheeks. I gave her a big hug and at least that made her smile.
"Sky tell mom to come up here"
"Ok, I love you"
"I love you too"
I practically ran in to Braylee while she was heading to the bathroom.
"Hey watch it kiddo"
"Sorry Bray, in a rush"
I continued to run down the steps, I passed the living room where Carson was playing with Zayden, and then I got to the kitchen.
"What Sky, what's wrong"
"I don't know, Ash wants you she's curled up in bed with dried tears on her cheeks. Go help her"
"Ok Sky, it's ok go play with Zayden"
I went to the living room as Audrey ran up the stairs.

I opened Ash's bedroom door and found her like Sky did, curled in a ball with dried tears down her face.
"Ok Ash you're staying home today. I love you"
"I love you too mom"
I kissed her forehead and went back with the other girls.
"Ash is staying home today so are you all ready?"
They all said yes so I took Zayden up to his room and put him on his bed with some toys.
"There you go Zayden, we'll be back."
"Bye bye"
I walked back downstairs and asked if Bray wanted a ride to school she accepted so we all got in the car.

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