Oh Ashlyn

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Ashlyn's outfit

I woke up and forgot what I did yesterday after school. I was super hungry so I'm guessing that I fell asleep before dinner. I got out of bed and put on a black bra, a black thong, a black long sleeve shirt, black leggings with slits in them, and a grey cross necklace, I also put on black combat boots. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was now back to being wavy. I ran a comb through it and then put on some eyeliner and black lipstick. I walked down to the kitchen and got some cereal and toast. I got out of the house and took off towards school on my motorcycle. I parked my bike and got off.

"Hey baby"
"You look beautiful"
"Thanks baby you look handsome"
"Thank you. I love you"
"I love you, do you think you could ride with me to the police station."
"Yea sure"
"Thank you" He gave me hugs and kisses and then walked me to my locker and then he went off towards his. I went to first period and the periods until lunch went by surprisingly fast. At lunch Tristan sat down with me and so did Jamey. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started texting Sky.

Ashlyn: Hey Sky
Skylar: Hey Ash
Ashlyn: How has your day been so far?
Skylar: Good, yours?
Ashlyn: Surprisingly good
Skylar: I love you
Ashlyn: I love you too, i'll see you when I get home
Skylar: ok

Ashlyn: Bray I'm going to report the rapes after school with Tristan
Braylee: Ok honey, I love you
Ashlyn: I love you too, tell Zayden I love him
Braylee: Ok, bye
Ashlyn: Bye

I put my phone away and then kissed Tristan and went to 7th period, gym. I went to the door of the locker room and saw that we were to report to the health room, so I had to walk back to the other side of the school. I got to the health room right as the bell rung.

"Hello girls, we are going to have a Girl Talk day." She started talking and then she brought relationships up.

"How many of you have had sex?" I raised my hand and so did some other girls.

"What do you girls think about having sex at this age?" One of the popular girls raised their hand and was called on.

"I think girls who have sex at this age are whores." I was offended so I started talking.

"Just because someone has sex doesn't mean there a whore, in some cases the girls are raped or just believe that it's ok. I personally believe that we should be able to have sex without being called a whore, tramp, or slut. It just depends on our beliefs, and even if someone does have sex it shouldn't reflect on their character."

"Good argument Miss. Carter."
"Thank you Mrs. Hutchinson." The popular girl just stared at me. Then Mrs. Hutchinson brought up clothing. A girl named Sonja raised her hand.

"I see girls with holes and slits in their pants, they wear crop tops, some have piercings and tattoos too. I think that it's wrong, the girls should be more covered." I disagreed with that too.
"People can wear things to express themselves, even if someone is wearing barely anything it doesn't mean their a whore. If they have piercings and tats, so what? That's what they like and they shouldn't be judged by just seeing what their wearing." The bell rang.

"Good job girls, good arguments." I walked out of the room and before I knew it, school was over. I headed to my locker and got what I needed out. I walked out of the building and saw that Tristan was sitting on my motorcycle. I walked over, got on, and sped off towards the police station. We walked in and I went up to the desk.

"How may I help you?"
"Can I speak to the chief of police"
"Yes, I'll page him right now."
"ok thank you" I sat down and waited for the chief to come out. He came out and I saw that he was very tall with brown-grey hair and brown eyes.

"Hello Miss, come to my office." I followed him into the office and he closed the door as I sat down.
"What seems to be the problem?"
"Ok, well first off my name is Ashlyn Carter I'm 16 years old and I've been raped 4 times."
"What are their names and how long ago was this?"
"Dakota Andrews, Adrian Sampsell, Jordan Wesley, and Luca Getz. It happened Wednesday."
"Ok, what's the story?"
"Dakota and I were dating and Adrian pressured Dakota into having sex with me. I told him no multiple times, and then the next day I went to school and was picked up by Adrian when I was coming out of the bathroom. Him, Jordan, and Luca tied me up and undressed me. Then they had turns with me, I told them all no and to stop but they didn't."
" I'm sorry Miss. Carter, you have waited too long and they all have really good lawyers. There is nothing I'm able to do."
"Ok" I walked out of his office and sat on Tristan's lap and cried. He picked me up and put me on the motorcycle. I wiped my tears away and started driving home. I dropped him off at his house, kissed him and told him I loved him, and then drove to my house. When I got their Bray was sitting on the couch with Zayden sleeping on her chest.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"
"They couldn't do anything about it, I was too late. They have really good lawyers and I don't think we have any proof."
"I'm sorry honey" ~TRIGGERING SCENE~
"It's ok it's not your fault." I walked to my room, got my blade, and went into the bathroom. I stripped and got in the shower. I started running the water and sat on the cold, wet floor. I started cutting my thighs, then I went to my ribs, and lastly to my wrists. I stood up and kept cutting deeper and deeper, then I stopped. I opened up the shower door and put my blade on the sink counter, then I shut the shower door. I stood still and just watched the blood run down my body from every cut. It eventually stopped bleeding so then I got out of the shower, put a towel on, grabbed my blade, and went to my room. ~TRIGGERING SCENE ENDED~

I put shorts on and a tank top and then went to bed.

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