The Wedding

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Audrey and Jade's wedding dress

I woke up to my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw that my soon to be wife was calling me.

Audrey: Hey baby
Jade: Baby did I wake you?
Audrey: Yes but that's ok
Jade: So I was thinking...
Audrey: What were you thinking about baby?
Jade: I want to get married
Audrey: Today?
Jade: Yes
Audrey: We aren't ready though
Jade: Baby I have the dresses, we can have it outside
Audrey: ok baby, come over.
Jade: ok baby, bye

She hung up and I ran to the bathroom. I started curling my hair. It took about 20 minutes to get all of it curled. I went back to my room and put on a white strapless bra and a black thong, I covered up with my bath robe and went to wake Braylee, Zayden, Ashlyn, and Skylar. I went into Braylee and Zayden's room.

"Guys wake up. Braylee put on your black strapless dress with your black and white converse and put Zayden in a black suit."
"Ok mom" I went into Ashlyn's room and saw she was already awake.

"Hey honey, put on your black strapless dress, and wear your black and white converse."
"Ok mom" I went into Skylar's room and hugged her.

"Get your black strapless dress on and black and white converse."
"Ok mommy"
After the girls got dressed I told Braylee to straighten her hair, Ashlyn to curl her hair, and Skylar to straighten her hair, and keep Zayden's curly. They said ok and then I went downstairs. As I stepped into the living room there was a knock on the door and then Jade walked in.

"Jade come to my room"
She followed me up and we both got into our dresses and put our black heels on. I saw that her hair was straightened, and she was just absolutely stunning.

"Did you invite the Andrews and give them the details? And did you get Pastor Aaron?"
"Yes my love, don't worry."
"Ok, baby you will soon be Mrs. Jade Carter"
"Aww that sounds so nice"
"Let's go show the girls"
We went out of my room and stood outside the bathroom. As they turned and saw us they squealed and then ran to their rooms, probably to put on eyeliner;eye shadow;mascara;and black lipstick. When they were done they came out of their rooms.

"Ok girls listen to the instructions. Zayden will be the ring bearer and also the flower boy. Braylee and Dakota will walk down the isle, then it will be Ashlyn and Tristan, then it will be Jamey and Jaydon, and last will be Skylar and Carson. When you all are done walking the girls will stand on the right and the guys will stand on the left. Jade and I will then walk down the isle."
The bell rung and Jade and I went to my room. The music started playing and we started walking downstairs and stopped in the kitchen before we got to the outside doors. As Skylar started walking up the isle I turned toward my gorgeous bride.

"Are you ready?"
"Yes dear"
She put her arm through mine and we started walking down the isle. I was on the left and Jade was on the right.

"Jade Olivia Page, I can't believe we've been together for 5 years! It just seems like yesterday that I saw you alone in the coffee shop drawing a picture of the landscape. You were gorgeous, I'm glad I got the courage to go up and tell you that. I couldn't have imagined back then that 5 years later to the day I'd be marrying you. I will love you forever. I will be your shoulder to cry on, your punching bag when your angry, your pillow when your tired, your counselor when you need to vent, and your lover everyday no matter how you're feeling. I will be with you until we die, and even then we will be together. I promise you that I will be yours till I'm 6 feet underground. I love you with all my heart Jade Olivia Page."

"Audrey Ann Carter, I can't imagine a world without you. You were my only friend when I moved here. You saved me from the bullies and from the people that hated everyone. I was so shy, but you helped me grow into an outgoing person. From artists, to cheerleaders, to photographers and so on. We've done everything together for five years. I can't imagine what it would be like to not have you, my best friend, become my wife. I think I'd die without you Audrey. You are the piece of my heart that has been missing. I love you with all my heart Audrey Ann Carter."
We put the rings on each other and kissed. Jade Page was now Jade Carter.
Time for the honeymoon! We'll be gone a month, we're going to Niagara Falls! I can't wait!!!

After the wedding was over we all got our pictures taken and then we sat on the pool chairs. Tristan came up to me.

"Yes Tristan?"
"You look absolutely stunning!"
"Thank you baby, you look very handsome."
"Thanks babe, I love you"
"I love you baby"
"I have a present for you"
"What is it?"
He pulled out a necklace from his pocket and gave it to me. I looked at it and saw that it was a locket. I opened it and saw that there was words engraved in it.

Ashlyn Marie, you are like a dream to me. I love you with all my heart and will always love you. I'll keep you safe and happy for the rest of your life.
Love, Tristan Ryan
"Aww thank you baby!"
I got up and jumped into his arms, he spun me around and then put me down and kissed me.
"I love you Ash"
"I love you Tristan"

I took my wife up to my room and we started packing. It took us an hour but when we finally got done we went back downstairs to say bye to the kids.

"Braylee you're in charge I love you. Ashlyn be good and you can have Tristan over whenever you want, and use protection I love you. Skylar I love you so much and you can have parties. I love you all, all of you are to help out with Zayden. Bye babies."
I took my wife's hand and went back into the kitchen, through the living room, and out the front door. We got in my car and headed towards Niagara Falls.

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