Chapter 13

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(A/N Hi guys I found out that my creations weren't synced so that was why I couldn't update on my phone. :P Silly me. Anyways, enjoy chapter 13!)

Ella's POV

It was our last year at Hogwarts and I got teary eyes as I gazed up at the Hogwarts Express looming in front of me.

At the end of our second year, I had nowhere to go, so Mrs. Weasley kindly took me Bianca and me in with Harry, and Hermione would sometimes spend the summer with us.

"Ella hurry up!" Bianca yelled at me. "The train is leaving!" I shook my head, snapping out of my stare and realized that the train was being boarded.

I gripped the trunk so hard that my knuckles turned white as I boarded. This was our last year here, and I wanted it to be special. We had been in loads of adventures over the years. We saved Ginny from the basilisk, found Harry's godfather Sirius Black, supported Harry in the Tri-wizard Tournament, fought in the battle at the ministry alongside The Order of The Phoenix, and learned of the Half-Blood Prince, our adventures getting more dangerous each time.

Recently, Harry had told us that he and Dumbledore were searching for and destroying Voldemort's horcruxes. We hoped to help Harry this year.

I put my luggage away and settled into our compartment. Bianca, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking amongst themselves, and I settled into my seat, subtly eavesdropping on their conversation. They seemed to be talking about the horcruxes when the compartment door slid open and we heard a cough. All of our heads whipped around at once to see who it was, and we met the sneer of none other that Draco Malfoy.

"I want to talk to Ella in private," he snickered. Ron immediately stood up in front of me.

"No," he said, a violent glint in his eyes. "It's okay," I said. "I'll just go see what this creep wants and I'll be right back, okay?" Ron humphed and stepped away. I walked out the door and crossed my arms, tapping my right foot impatiently. He sneered.

"I heard that Dumbledore and Harry are working on a... project together. If you tell me what it is, I'll make it worth your while," he whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I said casually. His eyes widened, probably in surprise, and he pulled out a tiny bag. It clinked and I realized there was money in it. I stuck my hand out and he slipped ten galleons into it. I ushered him closer, and he actually came closer. I cupped my hand around his ear and acted like I was going to whisper into it.

"Sucker!" I yelled loudly, making him wince in pain and grip his probably aching ear. I skipped away closing the compartment door, the galleons in my hand.

Bianca's POV

We had been talking about the horcruxes while Ella was outside talking to Draco. After a little time, she skipped straight in, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"What happened?" all of us chorused at the same time. Her grin only widened, which made my curiosity grow.

"Draco wanted to know what Dumbledore and Harry were doing, so I told him for ten galleons," she stated calmly. Harry jumped to his feet and grabbed her by the collar and shook her furiously.

"What did you just say?!!" he yelled in her face. I was stunned. No, Ella would never do that. She broke into laughter and fell over. When she regained her sanity, she told us what really happened and we all burst out into fits of laughter at the part where she yelled in his ear.

We told funny stories the whole ride and were having so much fun that we didn't notice we had arrived. We gathered up our stuff m, still laughing as a teacher directed us to the Great Hall to watch the first-year sorting.

Harry's POV

I had so much fun on the ride and thought about how lucky I was to have such wonderful friends, and I settled into my seat as the Sorting Hat sang his song. I kept looking at Bianca the whole ceremony. I sighed. Right now my life was perfect.

Dinner was served, and I engulfed everything on my plate, and then getting more. I was hungry. Professor Dumbledore gave a little speech and sent us off to our houses.

I stayed with my friends and we got to the Gryffindor common room after saying the new password to the fat lady.

We all settled down on the couches with Neville and Luna. I remembered the day everything took a major twist after Bianca and Ella arrived. I snuggled deeper into the couch cushions and fell into a deep sleep, a smile tugging on the corners of my lips.

(A/N: Sorry it's short, I have things to do at the moment. I'll try to update soon!)

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