Chapter 9

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                                                                         Bianca's POV

     Oh my frickin' flapjacks!!! Oh god, oh god, oh god!

     "Professor Dumbledore wants everybody to report to the Grand Hall!" Vivi added before rushing away. Right after she left, Harry and I darted off in different directions. Harry went to the boys' dorms to get Ron and the others. I went to the girls' dorms to get all the girls. I darted into our room first and shook Ella and Hermione awake, telling them to change into their robes, then darting to the other girls' rooms, leaving everyone clueless. All the boys and girls met back in the common room, and everybody was talking all at one time, confused expressions on their faces. Harry and I were at the head of the mass of people. We needed to get their attention.

     "Hey!" I yelled. Harry was standing right next to me, doing the same.

     "Everybody!" We yelled, still not getting ANYBODY'S attention.

     "QUIET!!!!!!!" I screamed, shutting everybody up. "Everybody, follow Harry and me and you'll find out what is happening once we get to the Grand Hall!"

     We all shuffled quietly to the Grand Hall, and once we got there, Ella and I spotted Vivi. She motioned for our huge group to sit down. We all moved to a table and plopped ourselves down. All of the professors were seated at a stage in the front of the room, and Dumbledore stepped up to the podium. Since Ella and I hadn't seen Dumbledore since we came here, we used this moment to take him in. He was wearing navy blue robes, and his wire glasses gleamed. He looked at Ella and me for a second and I could've sworn I'd seen those crystal blue eyes twinkle. Did he know? I looked to Ella. She was still watching him. Dumbledore cleared his throat and started speaking, his voice echoing through the room.

     "Now that you are all here, I have news to bring to your attention," he said, nodding to each one of the House tables. "There have been reports of students going missing at Hogwarts, and now, it has turned serious. We have no idea where the students have gone, but we have reason to suspect Lord Voldemort." Everybody gasped and started talking to each other. Dumbledore started speaking again. "From today, we are putting a lockdown into action. Nobody will come out of their common rooms, not even to eat or drink. We will apparate your meals into your rooms, and I repeat NOBODY will come out of their common rooms, or there will be severe consequences. Until we figure all this out, we will lock you in the common rooms, and we will be disabling the password." Dumbledore finished explaining. Everybody was silent. "You are dismissed," he added. All the kids bustled out of the room and headed to their common rooms. I lost sight of Ella, so I kept walking, hoping she would be at the common room.

                                                                       Ella's POV

    I couldn't find Bianca in the crowd, but I found Vivi instead, walking alone to the Gryffindor common room. I started talking to her.

     "Do you know anybody who has gone missing?" I asked her.

     "Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Parvati and Padma Pitra, and Ginny Weasley," she answered. I gasped.

     "Bye!" I muttered and I ran to the common room. I needed to tell Ron that his sister had also disappeared. I ran the names through my head once again. They were all good students, and were very good at spells. Neville was an ace at the 'Expelliarmus' spell, Luna and her Patronus were amazing, Parvati and Padma were experts in Divination, and Ginny was master at the Bat-Bogey Curse. Seems like most of the good students were disappearing. I began brainstorming ideas as I slowed down to a jog. Voldemort might want them to tell him about Hogwarts, he might be planning to infiltrate it, he might use some weird spell to take away their talents....I kept brainstorming until I got  to the common room, as soon as I got it, I found Ron and Harry crying and Bianca with her eyes focused on her feet.

     "Ummmm, what happened?" I asked, causing their heads to snap up. I saw the tear stains on the boys' cheeks, and found that she was on the verge of tears.

     "Ella! You're okay!" she cried, squeezing me into a hug. "We thought you had been taken, too!"

     "Why would you think that?" I questioned, puzzled. Ron stood up and ran off to the boys' dorms. I just stood there like an idiot. Harry got to his feet as well, and started stuttering.

     "B-b-because H-Hermione d-disappeared!" he snapped before running away.

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