Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, and I sluggishly rose to a sitting position. Ron was sleeping in the bed next to me, snoring loudly. I stepped over to his bed and poked him repeatedly in the ribs.

After what seemed like an eternity of poking and jabbing, Ron's eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them.

"What's wrong?" He whined.

"Wake up, it's breakfast time," I hissed. He slowly sat up and got to his feet.

"Big ol' butt," he murmured before stalking off to his wardrobe. I chuckled lightly and headed into mine before heading down the flight of stairs to the Gryffindor common room.

Ron was already waiting, slumped in the corner of the crimson couch. I gestured to him to shimmy his lazy butt down to the dining room and he followed me down.

When we reached the Great Hall, we weren't surprised to see that Bianca and Ella were at the Gryffindor dining table stuffing their faces.

I took my seat next to them and greedily licked my lips as I viewed the splendid feast. As I started piling sausages, biscuits, and pancakes onto my plate, I realized Hermione was missing.

"Where's Hermione?" I asked Ella.

"She went to the library to try to find a book on Horcruxes that isn't in the Restricted section," she answered casually.

"Won't have much luck," I mumbled. At that moment, Hermione burst into the Great Hall and sighed as she sat nest to us, a blank look on her face.

"Any luck?" Ron asked her, his mouth flooded with orange juice. Hermione just sighed once more.

We all finished our breakfast and brought out our schedules that had been passed out to us the night before. We had Potions with Snape first.

What a GREAT way to start the day.

We trudged down to the dungeons, our supplies in hand. (Cauldron, books, etc.)

When we arrived at our dank and musty cell, we organized our supplies and waited for some of the late coming students.

When they finally arrived, Snape sneered evilly.

"It seems some of us are LATE!" he boomed, the sounds echoing through the walls. "We will have surprises today." He cackled.

The rest of the day dragged on. In Potions, we made a Swelling potion, Snape occasionally subtly punishing the late stragglers. Next we had Herbology, where we learned about the Devil's Snare. Then Transfiguration, and on.

At the end of the day, I walked to Dumbledore's office and said the password to the gargoyle. I walked in and Dumbledore was there, eyeing me with a twinkle in his eye. It was awhile before he spoke.

"You will need your friends: I know what the next Horcrux is."


I scrambled to my feet and sprinted down the halls.

"Hey!" someone behind me yelled. I didn't stop, but then I felt a strong hand clasp around my wrist, making me skid to an abrupt stop.

"What did you think you we're doing, running around the halls like that?" It was Conor Chance, impatiently tapping his prefect badge.

"I'm sorry Conor, I'm in a hurry!" I blurted before running off again.

"I'll report this!" he yelled one last time before I disappeared behind a corner.

I reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, all out of breath, panting. I only looked up to mumble the password and stepped inside, my eyes scanning the room for my friends.

I raced through the rooms, slamming doors open. I finally decided to look in the boys dormitories. Ron was sprawled out on his bed, snoring loudly. What? We didn't even have dinner yet!

I shook him awake. He mumbled a couple of curses, then opened his eyes.

"This BETTER be good," he snarled at me. "No time!" I yelled as I darted down the tower stairs into the common room with him at my heels. To my luck, Lavender Brown was sitting on the couch, reading one of our spell books.

"Lavender! Can you see if Hermione, Bianca, and Ella are in their dorms?" I called out to her. She gave a quick nod and rushed off.

While the others came, I filled Ron in on what Dumbledore said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I don't know, he never told me."

At that moment, the girls burst into the room.

"What's up?" they chorused, except for Lavender, who just went back to her book. I filled them in, and they gasped when I was done.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Bianca, and we darted off.


We raced to Dumbledore's office, making sure to stay away from Conor, any other prefects, or Argus Filch.

We all made it to the headmaster'a office in one piece, and everyone waited for me to say the password.

"Acid Candy!" I yelled out. The gargoyle rumbled, then moved aside to reveal the stairs. We skipped up, two steps at a time. We crashed through the door of the office, and saw Dumbledore sitting at his desk, calm as ever.

"The Horcrux is-" he paused and casually walked to the door, grasped the handle, and yanked it open very quickly. Draco Malfoy flew into the room and lay sprawled out across the floor. He had been listening through the door!

He lay there for a couple seconds, and Dumbledore cautiously walked to Draco: we were frozen in shock. He bent down slowly, and just as he touched Malfoy's back, Draco whipped around and shouted out a spell.

"Avada Kedavra!" There was an uproar among us: Hermione clapped her hand to her mouth, Bianca squealed, and Ron and Ella were hugging each other, screaming in fear.

Everything seemed to go in slow-motion as I lunched myself in front of Dumbledore, but I was too late. The green jet of light smacked the headmaster just before I crashed to the ground.

Malfoy gave an evil cackle before he fled, and I saw Severus Snape in the doorway. I looked at him desperately and managed to croak the word 'help'. He just walked away, showing no emotion. I threw myself at Dumbledore's body, sobbing uncontrollably into his freezing cold cloak. I didn't look up, but I could hear the raindrops fall on the window, as everyone sank to their knees and cried with me.


(A/N: Suspense!!! What will happen next? Will anybody help? What about the Horcruxes? The next chapter might be out soon!) :)

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