Chapter 7

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Hi my little narwhals! Sorry my chapters are so short, but I am not used to writing on wattpad much, so forgive me please! I know I sound like a hopeless beggar when I say this for the fiftieth time, but PLEASE vote, comment, and fan! I beg of you! ;)

                                                                    Bianca's POV

    Ella had tried to fill me in on everything that had happened to her while I was in the muggle world. At first, it was quite interesting, but after ten minutes of talking, talking, and talking, I zoned out and started staring at the freckle on her chin. It must've looked pretty obvious that I wasn't listening because the next thing I knew, somebody was shaking me maniacally and waving their hand in front of my face. It was Ella. "Hello, anybody home?" she said, drawing out each word, which caused me to giggle. "Bianca!" she yelled. "For a second there, I thought you weren't alive anymore." I looked at her like she was insane and she blushed in embarrassment. We were lounging around in the common room, alone while Harry explained everything to his friends. We just sat in an awkward silence for like, ten minutes until I yelled, "Fat penguins!" I must've looked odd because Harry and his friends walked in with confused expressions on their faces. "So, what's this about fat penguins?" the redhead teased while poking me. "Hands off," I snapped while lightly slapping his hand away. Jokingly, he rubbed his hand while making a pouty face. "So, you're name is Bianca, right," the girl with big teeth and messed up hair confirmed. "Yeah," I said. It was really quiet for awhile and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Harry came over and sat next to me, and I scooted farther away from him. To get the conversation moving again, I asked his friends what their names were. The nice girl's name was Hermione, (I couldn't really seem to say that right) and the annoying redhead's name was Ron. "Hermione and Ron," I mumbled. "Ron?" I said. "Yeah, what is it?" he questioned. "I'm going to call you carrot top instead." Before he could protest or think of a comeback, Ella and I linked our arms and skipped to the girl's dorm, turning heads as we laughed like lunatics.

     We were sitting on our beds, and I munched on an apple while reading one of the spell books we were supposed to use for class. "I'm bored," I whined. "Go outside and do something," Ella said. "I don't know my way around," I retorted. She sighed and said, "Come on let's go." I grinned from ear to ear. She could never win against me.

                                                                    Ella's POV

    As we walked, I looked down at the tiles, studying the intricate patterns of swirls and stripes. When I looked up, all I saw was a flash of black before somebody collided with Bianca and me. I fell to the ground and laid there for a while before attempting to get to my feet. Bianca held out her hand to help me up. I took it and pulled on it, raising myself up. For the first time, I noticed who I had crashed into. It was Professor Trelawney, the Divination teacher. She was studying me, which was sort of creepy, and then she started circling me while looking me up and down. Man, this lady gave me the willies. "Ummm, what are you doing?" I asked uncertainly. "You must go back," was all she said befor she turned and walked away. "Wait!" I yelled after her. "Come back!" But it was too late, she was already gone.

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