Chapter 3

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Guess what. 52 people in the Glade and guess who gets told to look after the Newbie. ME. It's like they know how much I hate her and have decided to just try and piss me off as much as possible. When we are going around I explain to her about the different jobs around the Glade for her to do. I explain them all. Except for one. My job. A runner. As we are finishing up she says "Okay, none of those jobs seem to sound like fun but Newtie-" Newtie? I almost vomit I my mouth. It takes all my will power to not just murder her here and now but instead I put on a fake smile and listen to her little rant. "Newtie says there's a job you and Minho keep. I wanna join them." I say nothing and instead grab her by the wrist and drag her to the Homestead. As soon as I get there, I ask Chuck to teach her how to build a hammock for sleeping and immediately leave to try amd find Newt and Minho. I find them eventually. Sitting in the map room slaving over the maps as per usual. No-one else is in so I sit down and start talking. Within seconds I have explained it all and much to my happiness, Minho also thinks it's a stupid idea but Newt begs us and begs us so eventually we agree. I guess Teresa is gonna be a runner.

R u enjoying so far? It's really fun to write and I probably will be updating within a couple of days.

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