Chapter 8

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First of all, just wanna thank ThatYoutubeHuman amd OliviaTracey2 for helping me with the plot. Thanks chums! Also I'm following the plot of the book, not the movie so some of the details might be a little different.

Another mystery gets added to the pile when Clint and Jeff find a note clasped in Teresa's hand. It's short and simple. "She's the last one. Ever." As you can probably tell, it's put a lot of people on edge. We need the box to survive and we'll die soon if we don't get our supplies.

We have a Gathering tonight to talk about Thomas' fate. Honestly, I don't see why we need a trial. He saved Alby's shucking life! You'd think that would be enough but noo they decide to have a huge gathering for it! Honestly! Ridiculous.

As Minho and I are walking to the meeting room, we come up with a plan to get Thomas of the hook. I come up with an idea to suggest that Thomas becomes leader of Runners. We know it will never work but Minho says "If we look like we think he's capable, they'll probably reduce his sentence." I agree and we put our plan into action.

It Worked! Thomas is staying as a runner. (Not the leader mind but a runner all the same). His punishment was simple. All he had to do was spend one night in the slammer.

3 days later.

Thomas is a shucking genius. He figured out that the maze has been making secret patterns all the time spelling out six words. FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, PUSH. It's a code of some kind according to Thomas. He's saying we have to go down the Griever Hole. Tonight. And I'm cluncking my pants.

We fought well in the battle between the Grievers. We lost a to of people but me, Newt and Minho survived with very little damage. We did lose Alby though. He sacrificed himself to save us. It was difficult to see someone you've known for 2, nearly 3 years get ripped apart like that. It was awful.

As the remaing forty or so gladers follow us down the Griever hole, we meet Thomas who looks beyond tired. It's been a hard day for all of us. I honestly want nothing more than to just curl up in a ball and sleep. But before I can suggest we sit down, a woman with short brown hair walked in.

She was human. The white T-shirt she was wearing had WICKED printed on it. Great, I thought. This makes me feel a lot better. As she got closer, we realised she wasn't alone there was a boy wearing a hoodie that hid his face. The boy then lifted his hood down. It was Mikhael. My mouth dropped open. Newt started to speak. "But you're dead." He didn't reply just raised a gun. He pointed it at Chuck.

Before I knew what was happening, my legs scrambled forward desperate to save Chuck. At first, I thought I hadn't saved him until I felt the searing pain in my arm.

I collapse on the ground in agony. It's awful. Despite the pain, I was happy. I just saved Chuck's life.

I couldn't kill Chuck off so he doesn't die! Yay!

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