Chapter 13

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The clock is ticking. Rat-man left 10 minutes ago. 5 minutes until Phase 2.

5 mins later

Dead on 11 o'clock, the wall that was between us and the small section of the wall vanished and a silvery gateway appeared. Minho's tattoo said he was the leader so we elected him to go through first and to wait on the other side. I was asked to go through last.

Minho set off first and after giving Thomas a sarcastic comment, he stepped through.

Without fail, every single person heaitated before stepping through. And finally , it was my turn. As I stepped through, I allowed the dark silvery blackness to envelope me.

As soon as I got through, I crashed into someone. From the long chain of colourful curses that came out of his mouth, I knew immediately that it was the acne covered Winston, keeper of the Slicers. "Sorry." I said. "Shortie! You're through!" Shouts Minho. He is rewarded with an elbow in the ribs. He knows that I hate that nickname. But still decides to make fun of me. I'm not short, he's just freakishly tall. "Anyway, lets check numbers. 1!"
Thomas pipes up "2!" And it kept going on like that until , finally me, number 40.

And with that, we set off. All the way into the great unknown.

Ridiculously short chapter. I've had no inspiration and have been struggling to get ideas for the story. Sorry. The end is near for this book so... Bye!

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