At Tré's

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I was about to drop off when Tré tapped me on the shoulder.
"Billie, I... I don't want you going back to her."

"What?" I looked around, realising that she'd know I was gone by now.
"Shit, I really gotta go"

"Billie" he snagged my arm as I went to leave the room, "I'm begging you, please please please don't go back there."

"I'll be fine." I said flatly and went to walk away again.

"No you won't, you know what'll happen. Just stay here, please."

"I can't. It's better if I just go as soon as possible. It'll be less of an argument."

Tré was getting angry and his voice was raised when he spoke again, "oh right, just go crawling back home to her so she can hit you with things, what next? 'Oh, she's started using knives, but it's okay, I'll go back there quickly because there'll be less of an argument'? What the fuck is wrong with you, Billie?"

I watched him sadly. I knew he was trying to protect me and didn't mean to upset me, but I couldn't stay. I wanted to, but... it would just make things worse.
"I'm sorry, Tré... I don't want to go but-"

"Then don't! I know this whole thing is serious but you're letting her control you, I'm your best friend and she's not even letting you see me! Just say you were at a relative's, she doesn't have to know you were here, just stay over. Just for tonight. Please?"

I couldn't say no. He was pleading me to stay and... to be honest I really wanted to. "Fine."

He let out a sigh of relief and stood up to hug me. "Thanks."

I flinched from the pressure his arms were putting on multiple bruises and he quickly let go. "Sorry..."

"It's okay." I smiled wearily.
What is Olivia going to say...

"Great. I have a sleeping bag if you want the sofa."



"What's up?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "please leave her..."

"I told you, I can't."

"But why? She's not going to tell people, and even if she does-"

"Because I love her, Tré."

He shook his head a little in shock, "what? You... love her? After everything she's done? What the fuck! Are you fucking mental?"

"Calm down."

"No! I will not calm down! After all this and you say you love her? How?!"

"I don't know." I confessed, "I can't help how I feel."

His shoulders had risen in anger, but had now sunk back down and he looked sympathetic.
"I know. I'm sorry, I just... I hate the thought of anyone hurting you. It makes me so..."

"I know. Trust me, if I could leave her, I would."
There was a knock at the door and both of out heads snapped round to the direction of the sound. Tré went to the window and looked past the curtains.
"Who is it?"
He didn't speak but his jaw noticeably clenched.

"Stay here." He ordered through gritted teeth and marched out of the room.
I could tell who was at the door without him telling me. Fuck.

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