Getting Worse

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Over the next couple of days Tré and I were beginning to lose hope. Olivia had been in the room more often and usually taunting or hurting us. She did, however, let us use a bucket when we needed the toilet and gave us small portions of food twice a day. Small mercies...
She enjoyed talking about her favourite topic; of course it was me and my friend's 'relationship'.
She had revealed so many personal things about me to Tré, like how I used to get upset whenever I thought about our relationship ending, or when I used to cry if she shouted at me... and they just kept getting worse. She'd purposefully say things to, not only get a reaction out of me, but to make me look pathetic in front of Tré, because as much as I denied it, she knew my feelings towards him were more than friendly.
My train of thought was broken with a sharp pain through my right leg where she slit vertically from my knee to my ankle, not deep enough to cause any damage, but enough to make me bleed and cause an unpleasant sting. She'd been cutting both of us in various places for the past few hours, and my initial idea that she might get bored was slowly dying.
"You know..." She grinned as she moved over to Tré, "Billie used to get me to strangle him while we had sex..."
I gulped, yet another piece of personal information given to my best friend.
"He loves being tied up... loved... of course we haven't had sex in at least 3 and a half months..." She frowned. "I guess I should have seen it coming... he liked you, why else wouldn't he fuck me?"

"Because you were treating me like your fucking slave for the past 4 months?" I snapped, finally having enough of her treading all over me.

"But that's what you like, Billie..." She smiled innocently, "What would you've done without me? Stayed at home and cried over Adrienne?"

My whole body tensed. It had been two years since I had split up with Addie and she had taken the boys from me, and I still hadn't let go. "Don't fucking talk about her." I said through gritted teeth.

I saw Tré's head turn to face me out of the corner of my eye. "I-I think that's enough, Olivia."

"Oh really? You're going to tell me what to do now?" She laughed, "you think you can control me? Tell me... out of the two of us... who's the one tied to a bed?"
She shook her head in amusement, "I can say what I want about him, he can't, won't do anything about it."

I closed my eyes slowly to try and stop the tears from forming. She was right. I was weak and cowardly, she could do anything she wanted and I would let her.

"You can't do anything to either of us that would make us think you can control us." Tré said confidently, I guess trying to back me up, "you don't own us and you can't make us do anything. You don't have a hold over us."

Her lip curled to a daunting smirk. "No? Maybe not you, but..." She walked slowly over to me and grasped my shoulder, causing my eyes to open. "This little weasel here... he's mine."
I eyed her as she walked back round to the dressing table that she was keeping her tools on. She picked up the serrated knife she had used to make a small cut on my upper arm and returned to my side of the bed.
"He's lost the right to be my partner so... now he's my pet. And you know what you do with pets?" She trailed the blunt side of the knife down past my waist and stopped at the button of my jeans. "You get them fixed. What do you say Billie?" She smiled at the fear on my face as I tried to back away.
"I've tied you up, kept you fed, let you use the bathroom when you needed to, and keep you in my home. I've been a responsible owner, now I need to do the responsible thing and have you done."

"No!" I whimpered, struggling again, "please! Let us go!" I started to feel panic flood over me and thrashed against the cuffs. I needed to get out. Now.

"I'm going to need to sterilise this." She twisted the blade in her hand and went to the door. "Don't you move a muscle. You either, Frank. You're next." She winked at us and left, bolting the door behind her.

"What are we going to do?" I panted, matching Tré's horrified expression.

"I think I..."

"What?" I asked desperately, noticing his face taking a more thoughtful look.

"I think... I might have just got my hand free..."

"What?" I stared, hoping this wasn't one of his stupid pranks.
I was relieved when he pulled his blood starved hand from behind his head and wiggled his fingers at me. His lips spread into a wide grin and I almost laughed.
"Quickly! Get me out!"

"My other hand is still stuck, I need to get that one out first."
He turned and sat up on the bed, stretching and letting his stiff limbs crack. "Man, you have no idea how good it is to-"

"We don't have time! Get us out of here!"

He started to try and pull at the other cable tie and grunted in frustration as it wouldn't give. He searched within reaching distance for something else to use to get him free and found a pen. He tried to use it as a lever to try and stretch the cable tie away from his wrist but it snapped and small shards of plastic flew into the air.

He went to look for something else when I heard movement in the hall. "Get back! She's here!" I whispered sharply and he got back into position, putting his free hand back behind his head next to the other.

"Right, who's first?" Olivia smiled as she entered the room.

"I'll go first." Tré said flatly and she raised her eyebrows.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that. Looks like you found a good one." She looked over at me, sarcasm coating her words.
"Let's get this over with."

She removed Tré's jeans by cutting them down each leg. She threw them behind her and went to do the same with his underwear.
"Wait." He said quickly and she looked up at him. "Before you do this, I have a confession to make."


"Yes. Me and Bill... we like each other."
I felt just as shocked as Olivia looked and we both stared at him.
"We've kissed a few times, and he's told me everything. He always does. We are very close and, in fact, we're planning on being together once you're out of the way."

I wanted to yell at him to shut up, cover his mouth, tell Olivia that he was lying, but I knew it was all true and so did she. I didn't know what he was trying to do, but he obviously had something in mind.
She spun round and threw herself at me, luckily forgetting the knife that she'd dropped onto the mattress, and started to throw punches.

"You bastard! You fucking, unloyal bastard! How could you?!" She kept hitting my face and stomach, knowing I was unable to defend myself, and I felt humiliated that Tré had to sit and watch... even if it was his fault...

"You think this was all his idea?" Tré had to shout over her screams. "You think I hadn't been planning this all along?" She left me then and grabbed Tré by the arms. Tré was a lot stronger than her when he was able to fight back and brought his untied hand up defensively. He pushed her off with ease, grabbing a fistful of her hair when she tried to get away. She gasped and gritted her teeth.
"Not so powerful now, are you!" He said, bringing her head up to face him so he could look her in the eye. "Didn't think so!" He quickly brought her head towards the bedside table and a dull knock sent her sprawling across the floor.

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