Chapter 8(Part 1)

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        “Well don’t you look anime-zing.”  Rin said, grinning at me. I flipped my black ponytail.

“I think you mean, “like a fox.’” I grinned at my own joke.

      No, I wasn’t dressed up as the real me, but as Sango from Inuyasha. I wore a black ninja outfit with pink elbow and knee pads I sewed on myself. My Hiraikotsu, which is a giant wooden boomerang, was strapped onto my back and my sword was strapped to my side. I completed the outfit with black combat boots and fingerless black gloves. 

“Your eye patch is sliding down, let me help you.” I went behind him to fix it, but he jerked away.

“No it’s fine, I—“

“Just let me fix it!” I took down his eye patch and he turned around to grab for it, but I held it away from him and sucked in my breath as I looked at his face. His left eye was swollen and black and blue. “What happened to you?”

He sighed. “I got into a fight with Drew at baseball practice and coach kicked me off the team.”

“What was the fight about?

He turned away from me. “It was about you. He said some things that weren’t necessarily true and what I didn’t like…so I clocked him.”

  I finished correcting his eye patch. “I can fend for myself remember? You said it yourself that he was a douchebag.” After checking to make sure that the eye patch was secure I went to his closet and dug out a dark red wig, placing in on his head. “You know normal teenage boys would be harboring porn instead of manga books and cosplay costumes.”

He shrugged. “What can I do, my mom things my books are the devil and…well you know about my dad.”

I gave him a hug from behind. “Well, I personally think that you’re manly no matter what your dad says.” I kissed him on the cheek and his face turned scarlet.

"Now put on your bunny ears.” I said, holding them in front of him. I watched as he pulled a face in the mirror.

“Why do you get to be the kick-ass demon hunter and I’m bunny boy?”

“You’re name is not bunny boy, you’re Zenge Natsumi from The Dog and Me.”

“Is that even a manga?”

“Yes, now put it on!” I took the bunny ears out of his hands and jammed them on his head. I hugged his neck as I looked at our reflection in the mirror, I smiled while Rin still had a scowl on his face.

      When we got to the hotel ball room, the place was crowded with people dressed up like characters from their favorite animes and mangas. Some outfits were crappy, while others were authentic or just plain weird. Rin wouldn’t leave me by myself, but instead he constantly dragged me around to different panels and to see the voice actor from Black Butler. Eventually, he left me to my own devices, knowing that if I lost him all I had to do was call him on my cell.

    I had been approached by a ninja, a pirate and a grim reaper. All of which wanted to take pictures with me, claiming that my outfit was “kawaii” and for a moment I actually felt like I belonged with them. We all had a fascination with mythology and fantasy, but what would they think if they knew they were getting their picture taken with an actual kitsune?

“Well isn’t it Sango, herself,” I heard a deep voice say beside me.

    I turned my head and my eyes widened. The guy beside me looked like an exact replica of Sesshomaru. He had the long white hair with the parted bangs, the pointy ears and the red marks slash marks on his cheeks and blue crescent moon in the middle of his forehead. I blushed in spite of myself and bowed.

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