Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

     School was a bore since I have nothing to look forward to. My best friend wasn’t speaking to me and my former favorite teacher wasn’t even around. I knew there wasn’t a point in me being here, but I told dad that I would go and besides I forced myself to believe that some comfort could be found in doing something mundane like schoolwork. I sat alone at the in the cafeteria, ignoring invitation from guys who wanted me to sit with them and their group of friends. I wasn’t feeling in the social mood.

     I wasn’t isolated for long, before I hear a menacing voice in my ear, “I’m watching you.” I looked beside me and saw Talise, eyeing me with suspicion.

I pretended to be baffled.  “I always had a feeling you were stalking me, but be careful, some people would call it an obsession.” I turn my body completely to face her and cross my legs. “So what brings this lovely visit to my isolated table?”

“Akihiro hasn’t been here for a few days and since you’re just showing up, I figured you had something to do with it.”

    I shifted to nonchalance. “And what makes you think I have something to do with it? He’s probably in the spirit realm, handling some business.” I could only hope that this had nothing to do with me, but still if he disappeared just after I walked out on him then, was I the reason?

She shook her head. “He usually doesn’t take this long. Something happened between you two.”

     I squeezed my Coke bottle in my hands, causing the plastic to pop. “If something did happen, it wouldn’t be any of your business.”  I figured one of the other fox-spirits had to tell her news already, but Akihiro must have sworn all of them to secrecy.

“I think it is, if my leader goes AWOL, it’s my job as an Ocean   Kitsune, a warrior, to protect him and be at his side.”

 I sipped my drink. “Sometimes I think you take this apprenticeship more seriously than I do.”

“Well some of us do have to work harder than others in order to feel appreciated.” She sniffed

“I’m sure, he’s fine.”

“Ugh,” she smacked my bottle out of my hand. “How are you not worried?”

    I could tell her that Akihiro’s is of no concern of mine anymore, but why give her the satisfaction of thinking she is finally in first place?  Besides, driving her crazy was just the distraction I needed. “I don’t think it’s his absence, that’s bothering you, but your obsession with him. I hate to break it to you, but Akihiro’s not a Lolicon.”

    Her face transformed into a shade of red at my words. “I don’t have an obsession with him!” she shrieked. “And he wouldn’t be a Lolicon because I’m 21 years old and if he was a pedophile, it would be because of you, Miss. Favorite.”

And never forget who’s his favorite—or in this case, used to be.

“Anyway, back to the situation at hand, I’m holding you responsible until he returns. Your twit of an ex-boyfriend is holding a party on the beach and you’re going to be there, so I can keep an eye on you.”

“And what makes you think I’ll listen to you?”

She smirked. “You’d only disagree if you had something to hide and we know that as the perfect apprentice, you wouldn’t hold any secrets.”

Why am I still keeping up this charade? I think it’s because if Talise knew what I was going through, she would attempt to kill me for hurting Akihiro. I’m not scared of her in the least, but why add that annoying issue to the mix?

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