Finding you

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(Adajah pov's)
I think ray likes me idk but ik I really like him maybe us girls can have a sleep over or something and the boys can come and we can get some snacks

Me:hey girls let's have a sleepover and get some snacks

Jada:ok that's cool(smiling)


Yaya:ok let's go find the boys and tell them


We walked in the living room to see the boys watching tv until I said something for them to look up

Me:hey guys we going to have a sleep over and by snacks

Rayray:ok be safe beautiful(winking)

Me:(blushing)w-well we are leaving bye(waving)


As we was walking all I could think about is how Ray made me blush and stutter I think he truly likes me........


Me:guys y'all hear that(listening) it sounds like crying

Jada:I hear it it's coming from there(pointing behind a trash can)

Kaleigha:let's go (walking)

Yaya:ok the let's go(walking with Kaleigha)

As we walked to ??? The crying got louder that when I said something

Me:are u ok(helping her up)


Me:no your not honey do u want to come to my sleep over tell u are clean and good

???:Y-yes I would like that very much(sniffing once more)

Me:ok what's your name and how old are u(walking with the girls)

???:my name is kami but u can call me Kay Kay and I am 15

Me:wait do u have a brother (confusion by the name)

Kaykay:yes I do how u know

Me:u will find out when u get to my house

So we arrived at the house when I opened the door the boys jumped up and run over to us Princeton  went with Yaya prodigy with Kaleigha and me friends with Ray and roc alone jada was alone too but she really did not like mb that much

Ray:who this(pointing to Kay Kay)

Me:I forgot sorry Kay this is jada(pointing)and Kaleigha (pointing)and yaya(pointing)and last but not least I am Adajah but u can call me déjà,and u must know mb

Kay:ok déjà thanks for everything

Me:your welcome now about your brother what's his name

Kay:well my parents said it was Rayray or something like that

Everyone ex Kay:OMG (looking at Ray then Kay)

Rayray:lil sis is that really you(walking up to Kay)

Kay:Ray!(crying and jumping)I messed u

Rayray:same here what happened

Kay:I would love to but I need to take a shower and idk where the bathroom is and I need clothes

Me:I got clothes for u and the bathroom is up stairs to your right

Kay:thanks again for helping me


Me and Kay walked up stairs and I want in my room for pjs and give them to her so she can take a bath

I love u auntie and uncle(mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now