diner time

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(Kaleigha pov's)

Well guys I am telling them we going to dinner to night

Me:Guys get down here!!(yelling)

Everyone ex prince:(everyone ran down stairs)what's wrong

Rayray:did u make my tacos

Roc:(hits Ray )what's wrong Kaleigha (clam)

Me:ok so we are go-(I got cut off by someone coming down stairs)

Prodigy:what u lo-(prodigy turned around before he could finish)

It was Princeton that came down stairs with his shirt off but I just stayed clam so I I was able to finish

Me:back to what I was saying ok so we are going out for dinner so get dress

I think prodigy saw me looking cuz he gave me the eye it had love,betry,hurt,sad,mad but I just walked it off I wonder what's wrong with him

(You pov's)
Sup its your girl again yaya up so Kaleigha had to tell us something she said we going out to eat but I can't believe Princeton came down stairs with his shirt off and I saw Kaleigha looking at him it's going to be a problem

I walked up stairs and did everything I had to do then walked in Princetons room

(shorts and white shirt with words/on the side)

You:Princeton can I talk to u

Princeton:yea(opening the door)what's wrong

You:why did u come down stairs with your shirt off

Princeton:1 I was to hungry to put on my shirt 2 I do it all the time 3 i did not know y'all would be down stairs

You:ight but don't do it again(pecks him on the lips)

Princeton:ok I luv u baby now let me change and u look great(looking up and down)

You:thx baby now get dress and luv u too


I walked out his door and went down stairs the only person I saw was prodigy he looked sad for some reason

You:hey prodigy



Then next thing I knew everyone came running like they was on the run from the police

Kay Kay:what's wrong (in her dress and half way done make up)

Ray:did he eat my tacos

Roc:did he eat Ray tacos(copying Ray)

Princeton:y'all dumb he used my her products

You:no y'all dumb I was talking to prodigy but he would not answer so I yelled his name

Prodigy:(got out his thoughts)um......hey what y'all doing down here NOW I was waiting and shit while up there getting dressed y'all famous

MB:duh we are famous (bust out laughing )

Girls:yea y'all famous (sighs)

Ray:it's ok but we have a tour next weekend and we want y'all to come Keisha was alright so we asking if y'all say yes


Kay:I am so happy(kisses roc)

You:same here(kisses Princeton)

Kaleigha:u already know I am (kisses prodigy well try's to)

Prodigy:(moves his head be for kaleigha trys to kiss him)

Kaleigha:whats wrong(confused)

Prodigy:oh now u care(voice getting louder)

Kaleigha:what do you mean I always cared about you(still confused)

Prodigy:you did not care when prince over here (looks at Princeton) had is shirt off (yelling)

Kaleigha:(starting to cry)I-I am sorry prodigy


me:aye prodigy bear(nickname)she did not mean to get you u-(he cut me off before I could even finish)

Prodigy:stay out of this and this would of never happened if yo boyfriend had is shirt on

I look over at Princeton to see his face is super red it either means he is mad or he is blushing n I don't think he is blush-........

Princeton:now bro u getting out of hand talking to my girlfriend like that for real and I did not know y'all was down stairs I just got out the shower and than came in put on m- you know what I aint going to say to much this is what I am going to do(punches prodigy)

Next thing I new they started fighting hair flying everywhere naw jk(just kidding)

I love u auntie and uncle(mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now