whats going on

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I noticed kaleigha was crying harder....wow this must be hard for kaleigha's love walk out of her life like

*2 months later*

(you pov)

hey....um well its been over a month since prodigy left the band and let me tell you kaleigha was head over halls for prodigy some guys would ask her out but she turned them down cause she thought he would come so about a year later in highschool she found Jacob they cute togather well was cause Jacob started beating on her that's why I told her to dump his sorry ass so she did then she feel in love with prodigy cause she thought he was the soft one(sighs)...prodigy was like a brother but..anyway enough ab-

Princeton:aye baby where are my graps

you:they in the living ro-

knock knock

if I get fucking stoped at my sentences someone losing a body part

you:i well get it baby

I walked down stairs to the door when I should have never did ??? is back

???:did you miss me(smiling)

you:hell naw(showing no emotion)

Princeton:baby who that(coming down stairs)

???:aye bro a long time no see

Princeton:(frowning)hey prodigy(sighs)what u doing here

prodigy:to be let back in the band and be with my girl

Princeton looks at me like"should I let him back in"i said yes then we let prodigy know and now he back in he band but he don't got his girl I wonder how he going to feel when kalegha got back with Jacob sometimes kaleigha comes with blak eye or brusised up lip but she don't care so I am ringthem today to tell the news

I got a text by kaleigha


wify$:hey bae come outside and open this dame door

prince+yaya:ight wify I well be right there and I got a susprise for your ass

wify$:ight then hurry up and I got a susprise for yo ass too u might be happy or mad idk

prince+yaya:ok wify bye


*end of text*

I ran down stairs cause I have not seen my wify in a month I am so happy I open the door and damme she look pretty but she fat I frowned

kaleigha;HEY BAE!!!(hugging me)

you:hey wify whats this (in a baby voice)

kaleigha:its my baby girl(rubing her belly and smiling)

you:(happy)SO I AM GOING TO BE A AUNTIE!!!

kaleigha:yea girl (laughing)

I am so happy kaleigha having a child but I forgot to tell her that prodigy wants her back and he here watch the fussing going to start right about now

prodigy:so u have a baby(looking down)

kaleigha:(turns around)what are you doing here

prodigy:i came to get back in the band and I want you back so answer my question(looks up)

kaleigha:(looks down)I am having a baby

prodigy:(sighs)oh I think I am going to be leaving now bye sis(kissing my cheek and daping prince)

you:bye prodigy bear

prince:bye bro

kaleigha:(runs to prodigy and hugs him and kisses him on the cheek and whipers)the baby is yours

I love u auntie and uncle(mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now