How could you

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(You pov's)

Well guys right now me and pricenton are having dinner at Golden Corral my place but guys what i found this nigga doing checking out a girl I ain't going to say nun tell he do something

Waiters:Hi I will be your severe for today what would u like to start you off(winking at pricenton

You:I would like leave my bae alone salad with hoe water (smiling)

Waiters:(rolling eyes )anything for u handsome (winking at pricenton)

I gave pricenton the "this bitch did not just do that look"

Pricenton:I would like the ribs and some water please (smiling)


This nigga did not just smile at this hoe right her it's about to go down watch when we get him he about to get it and he sleeping on the dame floor that's his punishment with is stupid ass

*thinking over*

Pricenton:bae clam down I will be right back I need to go to the bath room(kissed me and lefted)

I started playing on my iPhone as hours passed by and he still not back yet





And the fucking food came he is getting it when he get him

Next thing I new he came out with his outfit looking werid and wait hold the fuck up dose he have s hickey he did not just fuck the waiter

You:what took u so long(mad as hell)

Pricenton:oh um....there was a lot of people in the boys bathroom(scared of what I am going to do)

You:don't fucking lie (yelling making a everyone look)

Pricenton:stop yelling ever one looking (looking around)

You:oh really how about This hey everyone this son of a bitch fucked the waiters while he was dating me he cheated on me(yelling even louder)

Pricenton:I am sorry come on(making me look into his big brown eyes)

You:no I am walking home bye

I walked all the way to my house and I opened the door to find pricenton sitting awaiting for me I walked up stairs to avoid making eye contact

Pricenton:hey Baby can I talk to u

You:no(slamming the door)

Pricenton:ok but baby I love u a lot and I am sorry(sighs)


My plan is working hahaha....oh hello sorry did not se u there but my name is hope I work at Golden Corral I just fucked my Prince but I want his baby that Ali want his dumb ass gf is in the way tho let me call my friend johnaya

*phone call*

Me:hey jojo

Johnaya:wassup H

Me:nun much I just fucked prince(smirking)

Johnaya:girl leave that boy alone and his gf(sighs)

Me:girl guess what tho roc dating this bitch named Kay

Johnaya:ALL HELL NAW(yelling throw the phone)

Me:yup and ik where they live(smirking)

Johnaya:I am about to beat some ass(smiling)

Me:ok then meet me at my house at 8:30pm

Johnaya:I will be there

*phone hangs up *

???:baby who was that

Me:nobody go back to sleep

???:see u always got to be fucking lieing

Me:stfu Chris go back to sleep(muttered)dame

Chris:what was that


Chris hits me he started to hit me about a week ago when I punch him he slapped me and that's what changed me I use to be nice ever since then I been a used and stuff but know that I have changed idc

(Pricenton pov's)

I messed up big time ugh I am so stupied why do I have to go around putting my stuff in girls I hate it like fr and Yaya is mad at me I am so fucking stupied right now I need to call the boys over so I can tell them what happens to get this off my chest

*phone call group*



Roc:wat u want bro

Prodigy:let the peace fly

Me:WTF!! Prodigy lol(laughing)

Ray:(laughing)let the peace fly(copying)

Roc:(laughing hard)

Me:well I need to tell y'all something come over to my house

Ray:I can hit Yaya(happy voice)

Me:hell naw

Roc:on my way


*end of call*

(Ray pov's)

When Pricenton called me dumb ass had to be funny and say let the peace fly.......and I thought I was the dumb ass but I guess wrong lol but my bro probably going to let me hit Yaya cuz he said he wants to tell us something or not idk

I walked in prodigy a room to see y he was acting funny on the phone when I walked in he was on the floor

Ray:(yelling )guys help

Roc:what's......omg(crying and yelling)

Ray:roc call the ambulance (yelling)


Ray:come on bro stay up talk to me(scared  and crying)

Prodigy:(soft voice)I well (blacked out)

Roc:my bro is dying....idk....just hurry....nigga get your ass over here.....whatever....please.....ok thanks bye.....hurry

(Prodigy pov's)

I am so stressed I am just going to get this off my chest by smoking

I was on the phone with Ray,roc,pricenton but I said something stupid "let the peace fly next thing I new I was on the floor and Ray came in and told roc to call the ambulance and Ray kept talking to me and then BAME!!!! I passed out will that's all I got to say let roc tell u what happened

(Roc pov's)

H-hey sorry u have to see me like this my bro just passed out I think he was smoking idk but he know he not supposed to anyway I called the ambulance and the nigga said hold on an hour nigga I ain't holding on my bro is about to die like fuck I should beat its ass I will jump throw that phone....ok Roc clam down now let's get to the part when we went to the hospital

*at hospital*

Ray:(yelling) we need help my bro is fucking dying

Person at the counter:hold on a minute

Me:no I ain't holding on bitch help now like Tf (in getto voice a lil)

Prodigy:(coughing up blood)

Ray:hold on bro(whispering)

I love u auntie and uncle(mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now