Break down

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Ray:hold on bro(whispering)

Me and Ray waited in the waiting room for everyone to come when they came the doctor came

Doctor:Family of mr.lopez

Everyone:(everyone got up fast)

We walked in the room were prodigy  was and he was up watching tv.....(I am sorry but we going to have to make roc's pov short and let Kaleigha tell the story)

(Kaleigha pov's)

We was all at the hospital and when the doctor said family of mr.lopez  I jumped right up to see my baby but at the same time I was scared what if he didn't make it or if  he's not able to have kids (crying)I need him

Me:(I walked in and say next to him crying)baby plz wake up I need you(sniffing)

Prodigy(whispering and weak)I need you too I luv you

Me:(shocked)baby your awake(yelling)doctor he is awake,guys he awake

Everyone came in and then the doctor starting talking some blah blah shit I want to know when my if my prodigy going to be ok


Me:ok...ok....ok when is he going to be able to get let out

Doctor:well it's going to be at like two days he is going to be in here and he needs lots of rest and he needs to drink lots of water in the hospital

Me:ok but am I able to get him out now

Doctor:sure darling but make sure he never dose this again

Me:ok thank you

Doctor:your welcome and you got a good guy on your hands


Doctor:your welcome again(chuckled)


prodigy:aye thx now u can leave(evil start at the doctor)

Doctor:ok the have a nice day mr.lopez

prodigy:mhmhmh u to (not looking)

me:have a nice even doctor and thx a lot(looking a prodigy weried and thenthe doctor then walked out)

prodigy is so over protective for no reason we only been dating for like a week and idk why? he would start doing weed and I wonder why he was looking at the doctor weried I mean yea it looked like the doctor was flirting with me.......omg he was flirting I need to talk to prodigy about what happened wait no I well tell him when we get back home ik this is going to be a bad day today ik it

How about we can all go out to dinner together to settle this out and get all the secrets off our chest

I love u auntie and uncle(mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now