The secret comes out

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Prodigy:(shocked) what

Kaleigha:yea u are my baby daddy(smiling)

Princeton: i am happy for u Man U learned from the best(daps him)

You:(slaps his neck)shut up n I am happy for both of y'all

Kaleigha:I am happy to but I need to force on how to tell Jacob

Prodigy:wait u mean to tell me Jacob don't know


You:tell him why(getting angry just thinking about it)


You:tell him



We started a argument on should I tell him or should she tell him that Jacob beats her well did when he was gone

You:fine I well tell him(huffs)


You:jacob beats n hits Kaleigha

Prodigy:(mad) WHAT HE TOUCHED U AGAIN (yelling)

Kaleigha:(crying)yes I got back with him n started to beat me again

Prodigy:(sighs)I am never leaving u ag...



You:dang stop fucking banging like u the damm cops I am coming


I opened the door when I shouldn't have it was Jacob stupid ass

Princeton:what are u doing here

Jacob: I am looking for my baby

Kaleigha:I am not your baby(crossing arms)

Jacob:(laughs)plzz I got u pregnant

Kaleigha:(laughs n then everyone starts to laugh)

Jacob:stop laughing what's going on(confused)

(Sorry guys we got to let Kaleigha tell the rest)

(Kaleigha pov)
I can't believe this bitch ass nigga(sorry about my language ppl)came to dis house after he beat me OMG I bet u it's going to be a fight let me tell him da news(smirks)

Me:it's prodigys baby(smirks)

Jacob:no the fuck it's not(yelling)

Prodigy:yes it is(goes in his face)

Jacob:man get out my face (looking dead at him)

Only if looks can kill prodigy would be dead

Prodigy:what if I don't (stepping closer)

Jacob:this(punches prodigy in the face)

Me:(crying n screaming)STOP

Prodigy:(beating up Jacob) dont(punch)beat(punch)on(punch)my(punch)girl again or I well hunt u down n kill u myself (knocks Jacob out )

Me:omg prodigy are u ok(walks over to him n hugs him tight)

Prodigy:I am fine are u good(looking at u)

Me:yea but where prince n Yaya at (looking around)

Yaya:right here(coming out the closet with prince)

Prince:we got scared(shivering from the cooled ness)

Me n prodigy :scared ass(laughing)

Yaya n prince:shut up(pouting)

Me:(laughing n stops)lets get u cleaned up

Prodigy:ok (walking with me to da bathroom)

Yaya:(screaming)EVERY ONE SAY SUSGAE KEEP IT GOING eggs,bacon,grets


Prince:imma gay nigga n I still take (standing in a gay way)

Ray:nigga u nasty

I love u auntie and uncle(mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now