the start

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-Jazz's POV- 

     I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Time for another day in hell known as school. Why do we have to go to school anyway? I know we have to learn to read, write, spell and more. But what if some one grew up to be an artist or an actor? I for one want to grow up to be an actor or a singer. But enough for the deep think rant about school. I hop out of bed onto my pink fuzzy rug. I walk in my bathroom and get my towel out from my closet. I turn on the shower and wait for it to become warm enough to get in. Then i step into the shower. I let the warm water beat onto my skin. I let the warmth of the water consume me, I grab my dove soap bar and start to wash my body.I then grab my shampoo and lather my hair. When its all clean I rinse the shampoo out. When i'm done with all my shower things I turn the water off. I get out the shower making sure not to fall because my ass is clumsy. I grab my towel and wrap it around my self. I then get the slightly smaller towel and wrap it around my hair. I walk over to the mirror and wipe the fog off of it. I'm not that pretty but i cant say i'm ugly. I see my light blue eyes, long dark eye lashes and eyebrows. I guess you could say eye browns on fleek. When I'm done looking at my self i walk out the bathroom and grab my clothes. My outfit consist of black acid washed high waisted shorts, a black and white cropped top. I slip on my outfit and walk back in the bathroom. I plug up my blow dyer and flat iron. I unwrap and begin to blow dry my hair. About 30 mins later i'm done. It fucking sucks having thick hair. I grab my flat iron and start on my hair. My hair is naturally really curly so it legit whet from 0 to 100. I don't like putting makeup because it takes too much damn time and a bitch has places to be. Just kidding i'm alone and will forever be. I walk out the bathroom for like the 100th time today and gab my phone. I have the Iphone 6 plus because I like big phones and I can not lie. I know I know I'm corny as hell. I plop down on my bed and go to the group message with my best friends, Zy, Lea, and Tierney.

the group message:

Me; wasss up my bitches

lea; nun much

zy ; hey boo

Tierney ; don't call me a bitch but hey

me; T i call all my bitches bitch deal with it bitch

Tierney; whatever

Zy; y'all wanna go to the mall and turn up

me; yeah

lea; i'm in

Tierney ; sure

me; kk on my way

end of group message

I hop off my bed and begin to walk down the stairs. I grab my keys off the wall and slip on my white vans. I walk out the door. oh shit i forgot my bandanna. I run back in the house and run up the stairs to my room. I go to my closet and pick out a black bandanna. Ok I'm in love with bandannas sew me I have like 50 or more. I just love they way they look on me. Ok so now that's over I walk back down the stairs. I am too fat for this shit. Is it sad this is my only work out.? naw. I walk back out the door for a second time. I head to my black pick up truck. Ok so i like trucks. Its kinda hard to get in it because its big and i'm short. I use all my strength to hop my little 5'1 ass in that truck. I start up the truck and turn ok the AC and radio. The song watch out by 2 chainz is playing. I put that song on blast because that's my turn up song. I pull out my drive way and head the my friends house. About 5 mins later i'm at leas house. We have lived close together since we were 5. I honk my horn and I see lea walking out the house. She gets to the truck and opens the door.

"hey jazz"

"hey" I say while pulling out her drive way.

"ok so i found this fine dude on twitter" she says excidly

"whats his name?" I say eyes still on the road.

" his name is Matt and he is so yummy"

I laugh at her boycrazyness. After a while of driving we arive at zys house. Tierney lives right next to her so we see both of them coming out her house. They head twords the truck and get in. We say our heys and begin to talk. We really don't talk a lot before they are on their phones. I pull out the drive way and drive tworns the mall. When we get there i try to find a place to park. Its usally not this crowed goddamn. When i find a place to park  we get out and head to the the mall. We walk in and there is a huge crowd of girls in there. Is there a new Starbucks or something? Try our best to walk past the crwod but it consumed us. I bump in to this fine ass dude that has a blue bandanna on. I think my heart stopped. Ok i'm so fucking done with this shit.

"STOP FUCKING PUSH ME!" I yell as loud as i could. Everything stopped. people started looking at me.

"well damn." the dude i bumped into said quitily.

i walk through the now quite girls.

"wait!" i here that dude shout from behind me.

i turn around and look at him.

"um hey i didn't catch your name" he says nervously

wait why is HE nervous he is fine as fuck and he is nervous. someone pinch me.

"my name is jazz, yours"

"my name is Taylor"

"um well nice to meet you i guess"

I turn around and begin to walk away. I text the girls to see where they are. We decided to meet at forever 21. I start to walk to the store. As i walk i feel a tap on the shoulder. A turn around ad its that dude. Why is he still talking to me. out of all the girls here me. I mean in not complaining but why me?

"yes?' i say looking down trying not the blush.

' um i was wondering can i have your number?' he asks his face all red looking down.

'yea sure give me your phone' i say as i reach out my hand for his phone. He gives my the give me the iphone 6s plus. I slid open his phone because he doesn't have a password. I go the the contacts app and add my number and add my name. I text my self so i can have his number. I hand back his phone.

'um do you wanna walk around with me?' he asks

i really wish i could. man do i wish i could. he is so fine but i have to shop with my friends. i don't even really know who this guy is. he could be a fucking rapist for all i know.

'I came here with my friends i cant leave them sorry.' i say

'Its cool my friends can come too' he say hopefully.

'Ok sure just tell them to meet all of us at forever 21.'

'Sure thang'

We walk to the store and we see my group of friends. They see us and begin to walk to us.

'ooo where you pick him up' zy says

'yea he fine, lemme get that numba' lea says

I just laugh and introduce them to each other. Soon his friends walk in and lets just say damn. Them boys was cute. I think I know one of them. Oh my fudge nugget its that dude Matt Lea showed me. I hope she takes her chance. Its seems like we have been friends forever the way we have been talking. Nobody would think we just met legit 5 mins ago.


ok so wasss up this is my first chapter of my first book and no one is probably going to read it but oh well. so message me ideas of what you want for my next chapter. bye out bitches. lea was here

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