Not Afraid of Anything

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"BAM! With a wave of her wand the fairy had turned the man into a hideous monster!"

Louis Tomlinson, a young peasant at only twenty-two was getting very much into the story he was telling his eight-year-old twin sisters. The two girls huddled up eagerly to their brother, waiting for the rest of the story, at least, one of them was.

"What happened next Louis!" Phoebe cried perching on the heels of her boots. "What kind of a dreadful monster!? Did she give him fangs?"

"The sharpest!"


"The nastiest!!"


"Real sharp and twisty!!"

"Oooooh!!!" Phoebe squealed falling onto her back as she bathed in the wonderment of the story. Her twin sister Daisy had other ideas.

"She gave him the mane of a lion, head of a buffalo, brow of a gorilla, tusks of a wild boar, legs, and tail of a wolf and body of a bear! A real nasty mixture of things!"

Louis's younger sister Charlotte, who really was only younger by about a year, was over in their kitchen chopping up carrots for dinner, she shook her head in distaste. "You're going to give them nightmares if you keep telling them stories like that Lou. I mean look at Daisy, you've nearly scared her to death!"

Louis scoffed off his sister's remark and turned his attention back to his younger sisters. "Oh they're not really all that afraid. I know you aren't, right Phebs?"

Phoebe nodded. "That's right! I'm not afraid of anything! Especially that nasty old'man. I think he deserved it."

Daisy shook her head clinging to her teddy bear. She was the peacemaker in the family, her morals reigned supreme. "That poor man. I wonder what made him act that way. I bet he grew up without a mommy. You know Louis, everyone grows up better with a mommy."

Louis chuckled at the argument that soon took shape before him.

"Not having a mommy didn't make him that way. Daisy, he's cruel. I say he deserved that punishment! Serves him right for being so awful."

"But, Louis did he stay like that?"

Louis nodded.

"Forever?" Daisy's eyes began to well up with tears.

Louis nodded again.

"Oh, that poor man!" She cried burying her face in her palms.

Phoebe rolled her eyes and leaned forward onto her hunches staring into the blue of Louis' eyes. "Whatever happened to the man anyway Louis!?"

Louis pulled Daisy onto his lap and rocked her slowly as he thought, regaining his memory. "No one really knows. Some say he passed away from loneliness, and then others hear he still conceals himself away in his home.

"Oh if he's still there I'd like to give him a piece of my mind for being so awful." Phoebe balled up her small fist as threatening as she could possibly be, and Louis laughed.

Charlotte sighed from the kitchen. "Phoebe they're just stories nasty people like your brother tell children to trick them into behaving. That one is just saying if your mean to people you'll be turned into a beast, so be kind, always."

Phoebe frowned. "She's saying they're not true. They've got to be true! Aren't they Louis!?"

Louis shrugged. "They're as true as you wish them to be."

Phoebe clapped her hands excitedly. "Then they're real! All the stories you ever told are real! Including this one!"

As Phoebe fell back again in crying pleasure the door swung open and Louis' fourth sister sashayed into the room.

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