Chapter 7

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The next day was filled with reporters, snoopy people trying to get in my business. Snoopy people trying to pin the teens death on the cops; the whole thing was honestly getting annoying, really annoying.  I couldn't sit on my own front porch, as I am trying to do right now, without some reporter trying to get my picture. Since when was a small town murder story front page news? It didn't help that Joel was supposed to come over so we could sort out our final statement for the police. But of coarse, he was taking forever as usual.

Speaking of the little devil,  "Hey sorry i'm late, I-"

 "Doesn't matter Joel I just want to get this over with, alright? So this is what happened; they went from the towns dance club, to the harbor then Arianna, Cameron, Hunter, Kayla get into the fight right before they're all supposed to head off to the boat. The last message I got from my sister was around three in the morning, I never read until ." 

 I could tell he was getting annoyed with me, but I didn't exactly enjoy sitting around discussing my sisters death. "Well I was at the party because Cameron and I wanted to find out  who our parents are, Kayla and him were working on some information so by the time we got to the party we had all the files ready. Turns out that your dad-"

  "To the point please" he grinned at me, I am honestly not in the mood for this. "Fussy, fussy alright point is we talked it out, had big family reunion then went our seperate ways. I stayed till one, last messgae I got from Cameron was at three." 

 Saying everything out loud, it made every crystal clear; even though thanks to that video I had all my answers. Everyone was drunk, hence a fight turned deadly just happened at the height of everyones night out, well group of five crazy teenagers anyway...sorry Kayla. "So the only question left is who made the video?" 

 "I think her name was Elizabeth, she's our age and she was totally wasted. It doesn't surprise me all she did was film, the poor girl probably didn't even know what was going on." 

 "Joel, that's very smart of you to put two and two together but how can you be sure?" a smirk spread across his face, he's either going to make some smart ass remark; or  just  be the cocky guy he is.

 "Well I analyzed the tape, I realized if you zoom in when the mystery girl is moving the bodies all about, she looks a lot like Elizabeth...or you." And that right there is where I would have punched him in the face if I had the will power. But I couldn't move, there was no way it was me on the tape. I was home that night in my room waiting for Kayla to return. 

"Yes I know what you're thinking-" he began, but I am not letting him finish. "I was home passed out" his voice cuts in sharp like a knife, what a jerk. "Yeah I figured as much, so I know it has to be Elizabeth, think about it no one seen her since that party; she never even came back to town yet."

None of that made any sense, Elizabeth was a good girl who stayed away from parties; she had straight A's, she was the golden girl; why would she hide something like this?  "You know what I think? That this is some wacko nightmare I really need to wake up from. Thanks for stopping by but I can't do this." With that I stormed to my room and let the suns rays that came from my window  warm up my skin.

 My bed was welcoming and I felt like I haven't slept in years. My eyes grew heavy, and a smile spread across my face; Kayla was rubbing my head a smile on her face, tears in her eyes. "It's time to wake up sis, wake up." Wake up? But I am awake...numb to all my emotions but awake.  "Please, it's time to wake up, it's time to wake up Mindy." Her words were soothing, hands cold in my hair. Her eyes were dull but yet full of life. As usual the light made her flicker, just like a candle. Funny how even in death she manages to be the pretty one. 

But everything was too much, and so I gave in; I let my weary eyes close, and my breath begin to fall. My limbs go numb and my breath goes a little cold. 

 But for some odd hand begins to flutter, and in the last moment of my consciousness I here Kayla whisper one last time, "wake up Mindy, it's time to wake up." Her hand outstretched, I reach for it,

 And everything turns white and silent.

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