Chapter 8

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"Mindy! Mindy oh thank God Mindy; we were so been in this coma for so long."

I was blinking wildly, and felt my hand fluttering, the room was too bright for me to register where I was. A few deep breaths and I realized I wasn't laying in my bed, I wasn't even in my clothes. Kayla sat in the chair across from my bed; a horrible scar on her hand and under her chin.

What The Hell.

"Mo-om? Kay-la?" Sitting up was a mistake because I am suddenly hit with extreme nausea and well i'm dizzy, really dizzy.

My sister had red shot eyes, tear stained cheeks... Was this all because of me? "Mindy thank god, i'm so sorry I- I should never have..."

"What, never have what? Why- What..." I didn't mean to cut her off... I just had so many questions.

My mom took my hand, smiling and crying at the same time. Her voice soft and touch gentle, it's making me feel a little better. "Last week, you and Kayla went to that party remember? You guys had a bad accident, didn't even make it to that stupid party the seniors were throwing."

"A, A week? But, but that's, I...." What the hell how is any of this possible.

My sister let a smile creep to her face and began to tell me this story, is it normal to be so confused? "We're lucky Joel and Cameron drove by a few minutes after we crashed, they got us to the hospital."

"But, no- you, you..." I began to cry, once again cutting her off. I know I sounded crazy but how is any of this possible? she died at the party... she was missing for a year until her body was found at the harbour.

The more I thought about it the more my true memories began to surface; that last memory from when I was truly conscious;

"You know you don't have to drive, stick to the open roads! Why, why would you turn into this back road? Killers could be out here Mindy good grief."

"No way, this way is faster we'll be at the harbor in like three minutes Kayla!"

"this is why I don't trust you driving...fine, we get hit it's all on you sister."

"Oh whatever! We all know i'm a way better driver than you"

"Mindy such a good driver eh? Then watch for that ditch... I mean it, Mindy... MINDY!"

After that all I can feel is pain...and darkness. This means everything I remember from the last 'year' was all in my head...I did drive to the party, because we both sneaked out, I...I was in a coma. It may have been only a week, but for me it felt like a year- .who cares none of it was real.

Or...was it? Maybe when I took my sisters hand, she brought me with her...brought me where we could be together, in an alternate reality then what I was living. One where we both were well... alive. But I could be over thinking this, well that or I'm a little wacked from the pain killers the nurses kept giving me.

 The more I think the more I believe I did have to drive my sister to the party; I remember that; She didn't have a car because mom was out, dad was and is still gone... And I was out doing my own thing until she called. We really did crash, I really was just in a sister wasn't the ghost, the ghost all along was me, and me alone. Joel and Cameron had to have saved us, but what did that mean my reality was like? Was Joel really related to me?

My mom was rubbing my shoulders, she wasn't leaving my side; and she wouldn't stop crying. "I was so worried, when I got the call...I'll let you two talk first...Kayla hasn't left you're bedside ever since she was released....I haven't been able to sleep....I'm, I'm going to get you some water, and find some nurse."

With that my mom shut the door and Kayla pulled me into the tightest hug ever. It hurt, I guess I had a few broken ribs, but it was good pain. She pulled away and I knew she had something to say; which is good because I am confused about this whole thing, it doesn't make sense to me. "I figured it out, why I kept reappearing to you...nurses said sometimes if you talk to people in comas they can hear you...we're you able to hear me?"

"I did... but I don't believe this ...this is my reality?" I just couldn't wrap my head around all of this. Thank God my sister is so patient.

"Yes squirt, it's real; you have major head damage they said you lost some memory...what's the last thing you remember?" Kayla's eyes are filled with sorrow, I hate to see her so worked up just because of me.

"Honestly...all I can remember right now that really did happen was that car crash. What I think I remember is probably far from the truth." Which was true, I don't see my dad or a step mom; I don't see Joel or Cameron....I don't see Olive. As far as I know dad left, and Olive is most likely my biggest enemy.

For a few moments my sister and I sat in silence, it was comforting though. Soon enough she began to speak, and I'm not ready to hear what she has to say just yet. "Do you want to know what happened?"

If I have to answer honestly? I'm not ready to hear any of it, but I have to if I'm going to make sense of anything. I nodded and so my sister began telling me what happened, my head is already pounding; this is going to be a long story.

"This party was something I would have skipped but, I had to meet Joel and Cameron.I was hoping I would talk to them, and leave but...I got caught up in the...festivities.  Everyone got drunk and.... Hunter was one of them, as usual. This time I mean really drunk though; I never seen him this...bad I guess one can say."

"Hunter, he.. he hit me a few times at the party; luckily my friends were able to keep him away from me, it didn't get too violent either way. Just a smack on my arm and face. We got into a fight...he called me out for cheating, which I did with Victor; but only because I knew he was with Arianna . So becuase we broke up that night, Arianna was all over him; that's when I officially met Cameron and Joel, we had mutual friends."

"So we talked, and I learned we had the same father; our dad was never faithful to mom, and only left because mom didn't want to deal with his cheating anymore. They wanted to meet you, so we planed to introduce you at that party the next day; yes I know another party but...what can I say? us seniors are crazy."

  'Anyway,  they were invited to so it just made everything easy. The only reason you drove into that ditch was because Hunter wanted me dead, he didn't know you were even in the car so when he shot the tires... It was too late we ran into the ditch and you were put in that coma."

She finished her story, and so we sit in silence; I mean It makes sense, it's just hard to remember all these things. Kayla showed me the news papers, the facebook post and tweets on twitter; had to say it may sound pretty bad, but I felt special to be getting so much attention. My sister ended up on TMZ a few times due to this whole case against Hunter; who is now in jail... not that I know for how long; I do know I hope it's for life.

 This whole thing has been going  on since the night I been in my coma... Which explains the cameras I just came to realize are outside my window. I have to say, beside that everything is fine and dandy; she's dating some hunk named Victor, super sweet guy, he's British to. Mom even has a new boyfriend, some guy named Collin, and apparently he's the sweetest guy you can ever meet.

Joel and Cameron's parents are happy to; yes their parents... I still hate my dad for what he did. However I love my mom even more being she isn't opposed to us talking to them, her exact words were and I quote; "family is family, I can't control who shares your blood genes."

Turns out Olive is real to, not my enemy or anything like that; she was actually the last person I talked to before the crash! Thank God, she's the same Olive that I saw in...well wherever the hell I was in my coma; She's even dating Sam the guy with the cute blue eyes. She's actually on her way to visit me apparently.

A girl can miss a lot when she ends up in a coma.... and I still can't believe any of this. The whole thing was a coma? All those memories, all those fights the talks with the police? I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I mean the last thing I remember is the crash, but that's all I can recollect; hopefully it's because my head is still really foggy.

So I guess the only question left is...was I really sent to some alternate reality?

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