Chapter 57

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Avery's pov

I walked into the house, but quickly stopped when I saw Matt holding Cullen in his arms while quietly talking to him.

"You know, your mommy is the most beautiful girl in the world" he smiled as he looked down at him "she means the world to me, just like you. I love you both very much"

I blushed and lightly smiled.

"You're not so bad yourself" I said as I walked up to them.

Matt jumped, but smiled when he saw me.

"When did you get home?" He asked.

"Just a few minutes ago" I smiled as he kissed my forehead.

I gently took Cullen as he started to walk up the stairs. I followed behind him, slowly trying not to wake the baby up.

"Avery" Matt sighed as I entered the room.


"I leave for New York tomorrow" he mumbled.

I sighed as I walked towards Cullen's room before laying him down in his crib. I entered back to our room where Matt sat on the bed with a sad expression.

"Babe, do I have to go?"

"Of course you do. This is huge. You're almost done with the movie!" I smiled as I sat down beside him.

"So?" He sighed.

I rolled my eyes and faced him.

"You're going and you're going to make this movie a huge hit. I love you and I know you can do it and besides Kristen is going to come down and so is the rest of our families so don't worry"

"I love you so much" he laughed as he kissed me.

He got up to pack his bags as I watched him. He honestly wants to start touring again, but I wouldn't go with him of course. I can't go with him or else Cullen would have to stay here.

He misses meeting all of his supporters and they still haven't gave up on him. He took a break from social media these past few months, but he is slowly beginning to transition into the habit of making vines and YouTube videos.

I'm kind of excited about it. The fans didn't really know much about me having a baby and some are taking it well and are so happy for Matt, yet others aren't. He went on a long tweet spree about it answering questions, but plans on making a YouTube video soon.

"I don't feel comfortable about leaving you" I heard Matt mumbled as I snapped out of my gaze.


"Sammy's out there Avery. I know we haven't talked about this in so long, but Ave he is. You're alone with Cullen and it terrifies me"

"Matt I'll be fine. I'll go over to Jack and Madison's" I reassured him.

"I don't know"

"Quit worrying"

"Don't tell me what to do Avery. You're here with my son alone while I'm across the fucking country shooting a movie. How would you feel if you left for almost three months without me and left the baby and I here?" he snapped

I stepped back a little because of his tone. Ever since that night with Sammy I get scared when Matt yells or has an attitude. It brings back the worst of memories and along with the night Matt came home drunk.

"I would be okay, because I trust you." I quietly said.

Matt looked up with a hurt expression. He knew he scared me by this point and wasn't happy about it.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he started.

"It's okay. Just finish packing I'm going to take a shower" I said as I walked towards the bathroom and shut the door.


"Oh gosh" I groaned as I got out of the bed for the fourth time tonight.

Matt leaves in less than three hours and now that I think about it, I don't think he should go or leave me with the baby. I'm so freaking tired, but I can't wake Matt up either.

"Sh" I whispered as I held the baby in my arms while slowly swaying back and fourth.

Once he finally fell asleep I walked down the stairs to grab a glass of water. I felt two strong arms wrap around me.

"Babe" Matt said with his morning voice, that was extremely attractive I might add  "why are you up?"

"I've been up almost the whole night. Cullen won't sleep" I mumbled.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He groaned as he lightly kissed my cheek.

"You have a flight in the morning. You didn't need to get up" I smiled slightly.

"Whatever, come on let's go cuddle" he exclaimed as he ran up the stairs.

"Would you shut the hell up the baby is asleep" I whispered as I run up the stairs and went into to our room.

"Come cuddle" he whined.

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I climbed into the bed. I threw the covers over me as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I looked up at it him to find him already looking at me.

"Moments like these are my favorite. I love you Ave" Matt smiled

"I love you too" I mumbled before falling asleep.

I was a broken girl, fixed by a boy who changed my life forever and I'm okay with that.


I updated!!

Thank you guys so much for all your support and I just love you all! 21k reads?! That's amazing!

My story is becoming bigger and bigger and I'm so happy about this! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU ALL.

oh and don't forget, you're beautiful😇

Vote, comment, and follow for more and a sequel as well😏



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