Chapter 7

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Avery's pov

I woke up and got ready for school. It's Thursday and Jack's party is tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous. Matt asked me and I don't even know what I'm wearing.

I have to wear a dress, but I'm not that comfortable with my body. I'm not gonna wear a tight fitting one that's for sure.

I walked into my science class and sat down in my normal seat, right beside Matt. Jack and Jack came to sit in front of us as usual.

"What's up guys?" Johnson said sitting down.

"Hey" I said.

"So, you found a date yet Matt?" Jack asked. with a smirk on his face.

"Actually I did." Matthew said with a big grin on his face.

"Dude you've been here since Tuesday and you already have a date?" Johnson said.

"Yes I do" matt replied.

"Who?" Jack asked impatiently.

"Ave.." Matt said while smirking.

I could feel my face getting hot.

"Ohhhhh" The jacks said in unison.

I smiled and put my face in my hands.

"Awe Avery's blushing" Matt said. I laughed and sat up.

"Well who's your date?" I asked Johnson.

"Ya know I've got my eye on a couple of girls" he said.

"You don't have a date do you?" Matt said.

"No" Johnson while putting his head down.

We all started to laugh until the bell rang. We finished science and went to our next classes.

At lunch Lucy and I ate at our usual table. Matt came over and sat with us. We all talked till Jack told Lucy to come sit with him.

She told him no so he came and sat with us along with Sammy and Johnson.

"Why didn't you want to sit over there?" Jack asked.

"Because Anna is over there and she's a bitch and you know she hates us" Lucy said while taking a bite of her salad.

"She invites her self. We always tell her no, but she thinks she so perfect she has to sit with us" Sammy said.

"Sammys right. No one even likes her" Johnson said.

"She's not 'the most perfect of the school' as some people say" Sammy said while rolling his eyes.

I sat there and didn't say a word. I don't like her at all. They're all right. She isn't the nicest or most perfect of the school and she does think she's beautiful, but that doesn't give her a right to treat others like she does.

She's been treating us this was since the first day of middle school up till now. The guys don't ever hesitate for her not to sit with them though. They probably don't have any choice. She is obsessed with every cute guy there is.

She dated Jack for 2 years. He hated it. She dated Johnson for 3 months. He hated it. She's dated sammy and a ton of other hot guys. They hated it.

We all started talking till we were rudely interrupted by Anna.

"Um hey Matt" she smirked.

"Um hi" matt said in confusion.

"I was just wandering if you had a date to Jack's party yet?" She said while putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Um yeah I do" he said while smiling at me.

I smiled back and Anna sensed what we were doing.

"Oh.. Really with Avery?" She scoffed.

"Um yeah with Avery. She's actually nice unlike some people" Matt said while rolling his eyes.

"wow matt I didn't realize you were so shallow." She said while turning around and strutting away.

Matt rolled his eyes.

"Ignore her" he whispered in my ear.

We finished our lunch and talked until lunch was over.


Matt and I were walking to our next class which was English.

"Hey ave what are you wearing to the party tomorrow?" He asked.

"Um I'm not sure yet. I'm gonna ask Luc to come over and help me pick out the dress." I said.

"Well whatever you pick you'll look gorgeous in" Matt said.

His words meant a lot to me. He was so sweet and I just met this kid Tuesday. I like matt. He's so sweet and cool. He made me feel special. He always says something he likes about me. I like this kid.

I couldn't think of a reply so I just smiled and looked down at my feet while blushing.

Well Matt's a cutie😏 I loved his new YouTube video😂 anyways yeah✌️- Em

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