Chapter 2

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That morning, Ji Hyo woke up and felt a cool wind blowing and hitting on her uncovered thighs, she sigh and open her eyes only to see a creature that she love more than anything.

She shut her eyes for a while, despite of remembering their moment last night, she touches her neck softly. It moves to her lips, a smile crept on her lips slowly. As her eyes opened again, she saw Jong Kook's kissing her cheek.

"Morning..." he mumbles, she smile.

"Does it hurt?" he ask, she shook her head without saying anything.

"Your body...I'm sorry..." he said guiltily.

"What?" she ask back, confused with his words. He pull down the duvet and stopped at her shoulder. She take a look and there's some bruises on her shoulders. It's look like he made it, from last night session.

Yes, he admit he was too rough, he keep moving while she just keep herself silent, letting he do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and how long he wants them to do it. She never protest anything. He felt guilty, he don't even know whether she gets an enough sleep or not.

"Nothing to be worried of..." she said softly. Again, he shows others on her chest and arms as he pull the duvet further. Her eyes stuck on those bruise. It's visible but then, he receive a sigh from her.

"I'm sorry..." he mumble again.

"It's okay..." she said as she kiss his lips. Before they goes further, Jong Kook quickly pull away.

"'s nothing...don't worry.." he shook his head and stand up after wearing a bathrobe. He walk outside with guilt.

His actions make her felt guilt too. She follow him after putting on a bathrobe too.

Feeling hands hugging his waist from behind, he knows it's Ji Hyo who's following him.

"Jagiya...I'm worries, kay? I'm just...fine..." she said, he don't even want to turn, he's disappointed with himself.

"Jagiya...please don't ruin this..." Ji Hyo pleaded.

"I already ruin this..." he said.

"No...I'm just...fine, kay?? I'm afraid that I'll ruin this too...I hope I don't..." she said, holding his arm, this time, Jong Kook turn to Ji Hyo.

"Are you trying to say...that you're  afraid...I didn't enjoy myself last night?" he ask, with a smile.

"Sort of..." she answers lowly, looking down. He lift her chin and cupped her left cheek with a hand.

"Last night...was the best night..I've ever had...with fact, you're the greatest...I feel amazing with you..." Jong Kook said softly yet huskily, Ji Hyo smiled as she put her hand on his hand which is cupping her cheek.

"Then...I'm just fine...please...don't worry..." Ji Hyo said, he nod and he kiss her hand.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbles the same thing and she nod, she wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him and they kissed.

"Nothing to be worried of...I'm fine.." she whisper after leaving some gaps from their lips. He didn't answer a thing except kissing her again.


Then, Jong Kook waited for his wife at the table for their breakfast after they showered just now. Ji Hyo went out with a beachwear from behind and hug him while kissing his cheek. He giggle and stand.

"Why did you wear this?" he ask as he pout a bit.

"Cause you asked to..." she said, remembering him about his request last night, he ask for her to wear a beachwear for their activity today. Luckily she has told Seong Eun about it.

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