Chapter 27

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The next day, at night. Ji Hyo was reading a script on the couch. Few minute later, Jong Kook arrived home. He saw Ji Hyo in the TV room. He simply sit beside her, she still don't realise him. He smile and kiss her cheek make her startled and look at him.

"Omo!...jagiya..." she hug him.

"Hahaha...what're you reading? I've been here a while you know?"

"Jinjja? Owh..mianhe..I was..erm..reading a script...Chang Joo oppa gave it to me..."

"New movie?"

"New short movie..." she smile showing him the script.

"What kind of short movie?"

"'s about a couple who's moving to a new house in Vietnam which is me and..Kim Woo Bin..."

"Mwuh? Kim Woo Bin?" she just nod.

"Is there any kiss scene?" he ask seriously and she shakes her head, saying no.

"Jinjja?" she nod.

"Erm...arasso..." he said and sigh.

"Aigoo...if none kissing scene, you'll let me do it easily, huh?" she smirk cheekily.

"Wait, skinship?"

"Not many..."

"'re allowed to act in this short movie..." he smile.


"Let's go upstairs...since you've finished reading it..." Jong Kook said.

"Owh? How did you know, I'm finished?"

"'re at the last alert, Song Ji Hyo ssi~ maybe you'll forgot that I'm your husband."

"Yah! Don't say that..." she said in angry tone.

"Arasso..mianhe..." she smile and kiss his cheek.



"You know...eomma give me this..." he shows a bottle of drink brown coloured.

"What is this?" she ask.

"This a herbal drink to...get kids fast..."

"Mwuh?!" her eyes wide open.

"Eomma and appa said we have to drink this so we can get kids quicker...they know about Haha and Byul and eomma immediately...give me this...I refused but you know my mom..."

"Mwuh? Jinjja? I don't want to drink this...eeeww...." she said as she smells it. Definitely can make her vomit all night.

"Then...we'll make it like a normal, they won't give us weird drinks more..." he grin.

"What do you mean? Yah!!!!" Jong Kook was fast enough to carry her and walk upstairs to their bedroom.

"Yah! You put me down now!!!" she struggle herself.

"Yeobo, don't move or we'll fall..."

"Then, let me go..." she kick the air.

" know that won't happen..."

He suddenly kiss her lips passionately. Ji Hyo took a while to kiss him back and he smile between the kiss.

"Look, you miss me badly right? So, let's start our process, yeobo..." he said and she just hide her blushy face in his chest. He already smile as a winner.


2 months had pass. Joong Ki's now getting permission from both of Seong Eun parents to date her without her notice. But he still confused with his own feeling, he just know that he love this Cheon siblings.

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