beauty (pt. 2)

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beauty is more than what you're led to believe.
beauty is when you laugh uncontrollably at something so silly, but even so, your eyes close and your mouth opens and you smile so radiantly and all of a sudden your entire face is lit up.
beauty is when you can think for yourself and you don't succumb to the peer pressure of doing what everyone else is doing just because they're doing it.
beauty is when you are intelligent - as intelligent as your mind allows - and you aren't afraid to show it.
beauty is when your personality radiates happiness or inspiration or love and someone can just tell by looking at you that you are worth spending time with.
beauty is being interested in something unique, whether it's a certain artist or show or something completely different like botany or archaeology.
beauty is the way your eyes twinkle when you hear the first note of your favorite song, and your voice is louder than a clap of thunder as you belt out the lyrics while dancing around the room in your pajamas.
beauty is love between two people in any form or fashion, whether it is the way their lips meet ever so hesitantly in their very first (awkward) kiss, or how their bare bodies move together as they are making love, or simply the way their eyes connect when they see each other.
beauty is you in your most natural state, like when your eyes flutter open on a sunday morning and you decide to do nothing that day but dream.
beauty is exactly what the name suggests - beautiful.
beauty is not just about physical appearances.
beauty is not pain unless you make it.

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