coming to an end

55 5 2

it's 5 o'clock

and the day is winding down and coming an end,

yet i still haven't watched today's jeopardy

or even done my homework.

and it's because of you.

no, you didn't do anything wrong.

in fact, you're doing everything right.

i'm just worried.

i've been sitting here for what feels like hours on end

simply because you haven't spoken in days on end.

we're not really sure why,

but it seems as though it was not only the day that came to an end.

yes, it's true,
we've been watching your odd behavior,

which leads us to belive that you're not alright.

we're paying a great amount of attention to the possibe hints being dropped -

the melancholy poems
reeking of grief and loss

and the fact that you won't even talk to us.

but you can talk to us.

we'll try to help.

we hate seeing this girl -

the girl who's always the first to initiate conversation,

who can somehow give doritos and jolly ranchers a negative connotation,

and who i have countless smiling pictures of -


you don't have to talk to us just yet,

i know that sometimes it's just better to be left alone

and given some space -

flowers can't grow when they're trapped in a box, anyway -

but please realize that we're always here for you -

always -

especially when the day is winding down and coming to an end

along with your happiness.

dedicated to a special someone that i love very much and i know my friends love her too and we miss her 💕

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