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they say it's for the attention

but it's not.

it's for the pain.

she's had a hard life -

not just because of the bullying.

it's also because she has no mother

and her father is all but caring.

and because at some point she was in love,

but all that love gave her

was more pain.

it's not for the attention.

it's for the beautiful woman

that fell in love with a man that hated her,

yet married her anyway.

they had children together,

but what their two little girls didn't know

was that their father beat their mother

while they were sleeping soundlessly at night.

and when they asked their mother

why she had bruises,

she told them she thought she needed

a little more color

on her dull, white body.

and the girls believed her.

they liked their mother's bruises,

and they poked and prodded the spots of color,

and their mother never told them

how much it hurt.

the wounds were always present,

even when she began to die of cancer.

but she never told her daughters the truth,

because she wanted them to love their father

once she was gone.

and when she passed,

her daughters did love their father

for a little while.

it's not for the attention.

it's for the girl that ran away from home

at the age of fourteen

because she could no longer stand the beatings

from her father

whom she used to love.

she hated leaving her little sister,

but she hated her father even more.

she hated him for his cruelty

towards her beloved mother,

even when she was weak,

and towards herself,

once she discovered the truth of those bruises,

and towards her sister,

for reasons unknown.

she hated him so much

that she left her sister all alone

in the hands of their horrible father.

and she never saw her sister again.

and she never stopped regretting

the fact that she abandoned her best friend,

poemsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant