Chapter 2

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I totally forgot about Mae. She's been mad at me for hours now. She did not give me food. She did not talk to me while I drove back to the dorm. And she's literally still not talking right now.

"Mae, why are you mad at me? You want me to cook your favorite food?".

"Go cook for that girl you were talking to!" She exclaimed.

"It was an accident. She accidentally bumped into me."I responded.

"Then explain why you were all of a sudden 'Stuck in the Moment' while staring at her."

"Well it was because uhm...s-she was p-pretty?" I stammered.

Suddenly her facial expression turned to surprised. "OH MY GOSH LEO!" She shouted.


" You actually like that girl! I'm sooo excited to meet her and make the two of you fall in-love with each other!!" She exclaimed.

My eyes widened to her idea, *she's nuts.* I thought to myself. Actually it was not a bad idea. I kind of liked it but I didnt show her any signs that I did. I didn't need to, she can read my thoughts anyway.

"So, what was her name?"." Where does she live?"."How old is she?"."Is she kind?" She's been asking simultaneous questions since she thought of the idea of me falling in-love again.

"She said her name was Mishi Vasquez. That's all I know about her". "Seriously Leo?" Mae said.
"What? I didn't have time to ask her everything. Besides I was looking for you too"
"Yea right you were" She said and rolled her eyes.
"I'll just take a shower and brush my teeth, then I'll sleep." I said

"Why sleep so early?" She asked. "Well I got practice tomorrow and I have to clean this place." I told her.

" You!? Clean this place? Is this a miracle or what?" She chuckled.

"Yeah. I sorta have to. My older sister will check-up on me. You know she'll kill me if I have a messy room." I explained. My sister is strict and scary, but she's also kind and caring. Typical older sister, plus the scary death glaring eyes and the martial arts techniques. Totally harmless(*wink, wink).

"So when is she going to visit? Omg, I miss her already. The last time we went shopping together was when we were in high school." She said

"I have no idea. Yeah and the last time you guys went shopping I had to carry everything you bought." I said.



Mae helped me clean my room for hours. We found some old photos of my sister and some dude, during her high school years.

"I wonder when my sister would visit to kill me... I mean check up on me." I corrected

I was so exhausted that I did not even notice my phone ringing.

*Ring ring*

My sister probably got annoyed and just sent me a message.

Hey idiot, I'll be at your place tomorrow 3pm sharp. Don't make me wait. Tell me if you have a game I'll watch. Bye.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I woke up earlier which was weird because I don't do that. I got up and did my usual stuff. After I got dressed for school, I saw a note on the fridge saying:

"Game on 13. Neo University"

My eyes widened and instantly rushed to change my outfit. It took me a few minutes to actually get into my volleyball jersey. I went to my car and drove to my school where my teammates were waiting for me.

"Oh your early Mr. Madrigal. Which is a bit odd, but I'm fine with that. C'mon we gotta go, we're going to win this game." Coach Jiovan said

"Well yeah. I got up earlier than usual. I thought this was a tune-up a game? Why so serious about it?" I asked."

"Because Neo University won't play it easy. We have to be prepared for anything." Coach explained.

"Oh I'm fired up and I haven't even warmed my body up." I said.

All of a sudden my phone vibrated. It was my sister calling so I answered it.

"Hey what's u-.."

"Don't you 'hey what's up' me. You haven't replied to any of my texts or messages and I have called you lots of times and all you're going to say is 'Hey what's up' !?" She enragedly said.

"Uhuh yea goodmorning too dear sister. Sorry if I didn't answer your call, I pretty much slept without noticing. Anyway I have a game today, care to watch me play?" I told her.

"Oh whatever. You and your lame excuses. You have a game!? Omg I am so going to watch you then make fun of you!" She laughed

"Okay. It's this afternoon 1pm Neo University. Bye" I said.

She always makes fun of me and my games she says I look funny when I play. I never believed her, I know I look awesome when I play.

"Madrigal! You coming or what?" Coach kidded.

"Coming coach! Wait up!"


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