Chapter 16

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Newt's POV

Three days ago I received a text.

I haven't had the guts to answer it.

I'm still mad at Tommy. Incredibly mad. He shouldn't have done what he did that day.

But bloody hell, I miss him. I miss the shank so much, I haven't eaten or slept in the past days. I keep thinking about him, wanting him back, but he has to know that he can't just do things like that. He can't hurt me like that.

For hours I've sat in my room, phone in hand, deciding on whether I should text him back or not, but I end up not doing it. I can't concentrate at work. My colleagues tell me I have to go home and rest, but that gives me even more time to miss my beautiful Tommy.

But now it's been three days, and I feel like I need to text him back. I can't help it. I have to talk to him.

Newt: You're right. You shouldn't have done that. Can we talk?

Thomas: Yes, Newt. Of course! Shall I come to your house?

Well that was fast.

Newt: Yes. You can come over.

So, Tommy will be here soon. I look in the mirror, only to find out I look like shit.

"I need to shower", I say out loud as I jump in the shower quickly. By the time I get out and get dressed, the doorbell rings. I open it and there he is. After all this time (three days wow) he's finally here. He hands me a box of chocolates.

"I'm so sorry, Newt. I hope you can forgive me." I pull him inside and motion for him to sit on the couch. I sit down on the other end and start: "First of all, you have to realise that what you did really hurt me." He nods quietly so I continue: "Secondly, if this relationship is going to work out, I'd rather not have you do that anymore."

"Alright", he says quietly. I look at him and see that he really means it. There's only one thing left to do.

"Now, come here." I open my arms and Tommy walks right in them with a smile. I hold him close as he hugs me tight. He puts his head on my shoulder. That's what you get when you're taller than your boyfriend. When he looks up again, I bring my face closer to his, and press my lips on him. Our lips move together and it finally hits me how much I've missed this.

"Thanks, Newt", Tommy says after we pull away.

"For what?"

"For forgiving me." I look at him, the corners of my mouth slightly pulled up. It isn't a smile, but it's enough for now.

Thomas' POV

I look at Newt while he's sleeping with his head on my lap. Making this moment useful, I take my time to admire all his features. Everything about him is just so perfect. He's so beautiful, and he doesn't even realize it. I could look at his face all day.

The past three days have been awful. I sent that text, hoping for an answer, but nothing came. And nothing came the next day, nor the day after that. And at that point, I was almost certain that it was over, that Newt didn't want to see me anymore. It hurt so much, though.

I cried. I've cried more since the day I met Newt than in my whole life, but even when I realized that, I couldn't stop crying. Teresa and Brenda, who desperately tried to make me feel better, I pushed them away. Nothing they'd say would make me feel less shitty than I did at that point. They had been right from the beginning: I had fucked everything up.

But then Newt texted me, and it felt like everything would be okay again. Every bad thought I had in those dreadful days had vanished, yet I didn't know what Newt would say. He could say he actually wanted to break up with me, but nonetheless, I felt like the text meant something positive.

So I grabbed the first box of chocolates I found in my cousins' cupboards and drove straight to Newt's place.

It then became clear that my feeling was right, because now he lays here, with his head on my lap, sleeping peacefully and to be honest, I couldn't ask for more. If I had to sit here with him for the rest of my life, I would say yes without skipping a heartbeat. I could just do this for the rest of my life.

Just Newt and I.

Just him and me.




This is so short oh my gawd sorreh. But they're together again :)

I feel sorry to announce that I probably won't be updating for a while. I've got so many tests to do in school, cuz I've been sick for a while, and I will be away during the weekend and tomorrow I have to work for charity and I literally don't have time for anything other than school. Up above that I'm still kinda sick and it will stay that way for a while, so it might take a while before I will be able to update again.

So yeah, that's about it I guess. Please please please don't give up on me just yet. It will take a while, but I promise I'll be back!! 

oh by the way, I don't know if anyone will care but I can't wait for Sounds Good Feels Good!! it's gonna be so good!! and 5SOS are coming to my country for their tour but I don't know if my parents will let me go and I just really wanna go but yeah... I'm sorry my life is boring ok

This A/N is almost longer than the actual chapter lol 

ok bye :)

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