Chapter 5: Step Back

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Hey readers! Have you noticed something?

How could have happened that they still have classes during intramurals? lol xDD

Well, let's just consider that as a kind of assignment for every, each of them (I mean... Assigning the right players (warming up and short 1hr meeting) before the program starts)


Chris' POV

We are both going on our different sections after that awkward moment o_o ... I don't want to think about it again....

Joy is not my classmate anymore... I just happened to see her on the rooftop, singing.... Well, first meeting you know? she was kinda cu--! oh self! Enough with this thing...!


I finally have reached the classroom... And Oh... I've just forgotten that Amy--














- is one of my classmates.


"Yiiiiieeehhhhh HEY! AMY SHINES!!! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!!! YiiiEEEEHhhh~!!!!!" said one of my classmates ....

"OH LOOK! THE LOVETEAM OF THE YEAR is here!!! yiiiieehhhh~ xDDD " said my classmates...









"Wha.... W H A T ?!", I've just said surprisingly as I am slowly entering the room...








I forgot that until now, she's still one of my classmates, so then my heart starts throbbing.

My cheeks are turnin' red again... Stop thissss apple of my eyes... She's looking at me~ ohh.... You couldn't be that cuterrrrrr :'> Amy *smiles*








- (get used to it... trademark ko na yan)

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