Denial xDD

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Joy: Chris... *sad tone* how could you do that?

Chris: Joyy, those guyz don't think that "chess club" is very cool, you know how much I wan--

Joy: And that makes it okay to pretend you don't *almost cried* know me..?

Chris: J...Joyy~ *in a guilty tone* ... You know I'm your friend...

Joy: *wipes tears* I thought I know... *runs away*

Chris: Joy.... Joyyyyy.....


Joy: *running then slipped* ow... >.<

Chris: *laughs holding stomach*

Joy: *stands up... glares*

Chris: You slipped?? Are you a "sleep"~? *laughs pointing*

Joy: I didn't!!

Chris: Oh you keep denying it~? same as mee~ *turns proud*

Joy: I won't forgive you grr... NEVERR!!!

Chris: Superbook! O.O

Joy: Where...? Where? *looks looks*

Chris: How could you join chess club with that "easy to trick" mind~?? :D

Joy: WHAT...?! rrrrrr....

Chris: Sayy... aren't you supposed to work there with Becky ??

Joy: How do you know?

Gizmo: Hello~

Chris: We're..

Giz n Chris: Spies~

Joy: *Shows Chris's Dad Generator from the Final Battle episode*

Chris: O_O

Giz: Ohh... I hate adventuresssss ... *jumps hating*

Chris: Superbook!

Joy: I will never believe you... -.-

Chris: No... It's real!

*Superbook Arrives*

Chris, Joy, Giz: SUPERBOOK!

*tin tininininin~ tin tininininiiinnn~*

Superbook: I... am... taking you... to... Ka Carrot and Vegeta Rian... from the planet NaNa Sayang ... 6,000 years ago...

Chris: How 'bout Kaga Gohan?

Joy: *glares*

Superbook: Do not open the portal... Lucy was destined to close it.... Do not intend to fight with the 10,000 dragons...

Chris: I am Oscar, The Shark Slayer..~! Aren't we supposed to go to the Planet Vegeta ball?

Superbook: Indeed... Collect the dragon balls to find me... I am the Lord Dragon... from the dragon balls...

Joy: I... Is there any way to find Ka Carrot -.-?

Superbook: Collect 10 pcs. of Fishball to teleport to Vegeta Rian Chicharon and ask for Go ka Kasi Goku

Chris: How bout NBA? Yeah, I'm gonna join NBA

Joy: -_- Sometimes, people just don't feel bad on what they're doing..

Superbook: Before that... Find Martys Mystery and ask him for the pork barrel chippy

Chris: And~?

Superbook: Ask for Chooks to go's sauce

Joy: Superbook! That will be so... *tap cheek* hard...

Chris: Is there any way huh?

Superbook: Use po and opo

Chris: Excuse me, we're American English Speaking~

Superbook: Fine.... The other way is to steal a sauce from 5sos

Joy: How many? Five? -_-

Chris: That's funny Joy! :D

Joy: No.. na... I gotta go...

Chris: Heyyy

Superbook: Do exactly what I say

Chris: Yeah :D Joy are you in?

Joy: No

Superbook: She's not in , She is Joy

Chris: Hahaha

Joy: Very funny -_- *walks out*

Chris: H..he heyy! Are you still mad at mee?

Joy: You don't want me in your life! Then I don't wanna be with you! *turns away, runs*

Chris: Joyyyy

Superbook: Remember the time she accidentally hitted Gizmo while playing water fights?

Chris: yeah... why?

Superbook: ha..ha .. You got so mad at her but then she was still able to talk to you.. And at the end... You came apologizing and asking for her forgiveness 'cuz you were being mean, not forgiving her...

Chris: What are you pointing up? Ah! Yeah right, I must not forgive her so easily! :D

Superbook: No... that Everyone deserves forgiveness if they're really sorry for what they did...

Chris: But it's so unfair... Is it always mee~?! Myself and I? My fault?? Even if it's not really my fault??

Superbook: It's your fault this time...

Chris: I cannot accept the fact that boys must treat the girl like a princess grrr... That's spoiling a brat...

Superbook: Joy is not what you are thinking...

Chris: But she.... She don't want me to.enjoy my lifeeee! see~ I'd like to join basketball but she got maadd

Superbook: Do you think that is the reason why she's mad?

Chris: uh...

Gizmo: She's mad because you are selfish~ :D

Chris: wha?!

Superbook: for denying her...

Chris: ughh... *runs away* Joyyyy where are youuuuuu

Gizmo: Yes! *jumps* High five Superbook! :D

Superbook: I don't have a hand

Gizmo: oh..

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